Blood Babe

Can't Run, Can't Hide

Kira arrived home. She was feeling a lot better now. Much better now. She went inside, and of all things, her mother was right there. "Oh my god! W-why do you have BLOOD all over you sweetie?" Her mother yelled, shocked at the sight. Kira panicked, she forgot that her mom even existed. she just wanted to arrive home and rest for a long while. But her relaxing plan was crushed. She rush in her head for an answer. "uh-uh-....I-its FAKE. the party had fake blood and sprayed it on everyone as a joke. heh...." Her mother seemed to have hundreds of pounds off her back. "oh. Oh, Okay. Well take a bath, you stink to high heaven." Her mother said, resuming her business.

Kira had guilt and hundreds of mixed emotions swirling around her head, she felt that all she could do was breathe to make it go away. So she did, but while doing so she prepared for her bath. She though it'd be a good idea to take a long bath and a shower after wards, she didn't care if she looked like a prune later on. she just wanted to get the blood off, it stunk and was horrible to have all over you. She walked in the bathroom and look in the huge mirror they had in there. She had her eyes wide when she saw the amount on blood on her. She could tell that there was no way to save the clothes she had on, normally she'd freak out about this but considering the situation she just thought 'Oh Well'.

She took off the clothes and set things up. She remembered her wound, she carefully pulled off the old bandage. It still stings, Kira thought. It didn't get any better. Was it that bad?
Soaking it would be painful, but she has to get clean. And besides, she needed to clean it so that it wouldn't get infected. She had the steaming water ready, she got in and felt the pleasure of the heated water. She also felt extreme relief. She felt great, she wanted to stay in the tub for good. Just to stay there, it felt like Sanctuary. When she finished, she went ahead and fell asleep. In her bed, she was happy and comfortable.

In the morning, the sunlight caught Kira's eye. She awoke to the smell of food. It was grits, eggs, and some meat that her mother would add to the side. After smelling food, Kira was hungry. She got up to retrieve her meal. After eating a few bites she felt full, she was hungry but couldn't seem to eat. Oh well, she thought. And shoved the plate aside and went out for a walk. She had forgotten the whole night, well, all the bad parts.

She was walking by the area where the after prom was held, by the football field. when she looked over she expect to see people still cleaning up the mess from last night, but instead, she saw people all around one place. But this place was a little away from the party sight, behind a building were cops and probably a hundred people swarming like they found a gold pile. She started to walk towards that direction, but then she realized. The Corpse! She thought. .....that....wasn't real. That couldn't have been! Her happy mood changed to a frightened sickly look. Of course something bad happens when she feels better.

She thought a long time. She was wondering if she should stay away from it, or see if it actually happened. She fought herself, her looking down rubbing her head. People were staring at her like they could tell she was the one who killed the person. She looked up and mouthed the words "go away". They did so. She thought some more. She decided. She had to see if it was real or not. She had to see. She began walking towards the sight, shaking a lot anyway. She swallowed air about five times to try and relax.

She arrived. Everyone was swarming with phones, camera's, and some people fainted. She punched and shoved through people to see, she reached the end faster than she thought. She saw it. It was the corpse. A hole through it's inside and all flesh and facial features were gone. Only little was left, she knew it. She doubted it but then she knew. She killed this person, and ATE him. She fainted out of shock....

---To Chap. 4---