Blood Babe


Kira woke up. She was dizzy but aware. she remembered the corpse, when she got up she looked around. this wasn't the foot ball field. It was a white room, it was neat and good smelling. She got up form the comfy bed she was on, she thought she was in a hospitalbut when she walked out of the room she appeared to be in a cabin. That one room looked white and clean. while the rest was brown and kinda smelly.

Kira walked slowly through the house, she hears some noises. She panicked and quickly picked up a huge ash tray hoping to maybe smash the creatures head with it, and possibly run away after that. It was a cat, a little white cat. She only saw it's left side. It looked at her and turned the other way. The other side was completely black. A staright cut of color down each side. She thought it was odd, kinda creepy. Like some person took two cats and cut each one in half, and decided to sew them together. Uh. Makes sense.

She continues on. She saw bunches on ciggarettes everywhere. She was tempted to pick one up and just smoke it, she heard it calmed the nerves. She saw a lighter nearby, it was scratchy and kind of ugly. But it ddin't matter. She shakily picked up the little piece of plastic, shaking heavily. She looked like a desperate addicted old lady grabbing her last smoke before she went on to bed. Well, she started to light it. Bloody thing wouldn't light.

She shakily rose the burning white object towards her mouth. "Aren't ya a bit young?" Said a loud but weary voice behind her. She turned dropping the ciggarette. It was a male. A very scruffy male anyway. The male advanced towards her slowly. But tripped on the cat in the process. "Bugger!".

He kicked the freakish half colored cat out of his way. "outta my way bloody furry beast!".
He said to the cat as it turned around giving him a creepy look. "Er." he said wearily, "Anyway, ya know you were quite a bit bloody when i found yer sorry ass." He said to Kira. Kira gave him a surprised look. The kind of look a christian gives when a Satanist gives a Preacher a hug.
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I like the last sentence the best.

I mean you can just imagine the facial features.