Blood Babe

I'm a WHAT?

She gives him a long stare. While giving this stare, she notices his scruff reaches all the way up to his scalp. his hair was dark brown and very messy. if he had curly hair, he'd be horrible looking. More than he looked now. this man looked of a drunken dad who's only been a dad for maybe a year, and had some sense left. If he took care of himself, he'd be a pretty handsome guy.

After countles seconds of staring, the man finally said, "Aren't you gonna put out that cigarrette on the floor? I mean, I do like my house the way it is. You know, not burned to the ground." He said almost casually, but with a tad of sarcasim. "Er." Kira said. "Er.....Er....Er."
She was in a strange random state of shock.

She continued, "Er.....Er-", "Okay! you can stop now." The man said, annoyed by the sound of it. "I....uuuh...." Kira continued. "Er." The man finally sighed a huge sigh louder than his actual words. "My name is Berdose. And I'm ready to kick you out if you don't shuddup and listen." Boldy said, Kira thought. "Er...oh. Uh. My name is, er, Kira." Kira said, " I think." She noted.

"A guess at your name is a start." Berdose said. "Are you done yet?"
"Done what?"
"Shaking around like you have to go pee."
"Oh....Uh.Er.Yes." Kira said still confused.
"Good. NOW can you put out that cigarrette?" Berdose finally added.

"Down to business." Berdose said flatly.
"What?" Kira asked.

"Work." Said Berdose annoyed. ".......What?" Kira repeated.
"Look. Do you remember what happened last night?
".....No." Kira lied. "Not gonna believe that." Said Berdose. "Then why'd you ask?" kira said smart ass like. "Dunno." Berdose sarcastically said back. Kira gave him the look of, ' I can hit you in the head with a pot, and don't think I don't know where the pots are '. Berdose put on a stupid fake smile, with creepy fangs protruding out. "Congradulations!!" He yelled.
"Welcome to our Family!!"

Kira gave him another bunch of seconds of blank staring. Whcih by now Berdose what running out of room for, and patience. He hated slow people. And stupid people. An slow, stupid people. They always seemed to get on his nerves. ".....What?" kira started again.

"I'll be bold." Berdose said. "You. Are. A. Bloody. Vampire." He said. Almost like he was talking to a two year old child and explaining something they've already known for years. "no pun intended." He added with a faint smile. in the corner of his eye he saw the halfed color cat smiling. whcih it always seemed to do. Kira finaly replied.

"I'm A WHAT?"
♠ ♠ ♠

I like Berdose.