Frerard love

give em hell kid

Frerard a love that will live on

Why do I love it when you touch me?
Why do I love it when you fuck me?
Dear god Frank Iero you are my addiction and I can’t get away.

Chapter 1: give ‘em hell kid

(Gerard’s POV)
“Is this the last Bagel?” Mikey’s voice called from the kitchen, “how should I know!” I shot back, “your no help.” He answered, “Well if you don’t see any other bagels in there then that would be the last one.” At that Mikey fell silent, “this broadcast brought to you by My Chemical Romance.” Frank said smirking as he entered the room, the pint sized guitarist looked as if he hadn’t slept well, “good morning?” I said questioningly as I studied Frank, “ugh.” Was his answer to that “didn’t sleep well?” I offered, he nodded, “not really, I haven’t been sleeping well much lately.” ‘Could it be that your mind just wont shut the fuck up with it’s thinking when your trying to sleep? “Cause it’s the same with me.” Frank nodded, “eh that sucks.” We walked into the kitchen together where my brother was sitting at the table with of course, a fresh cup of coffee. “Coffee fiend.” I smirked at him, “oh your one to talk.” He answered; I had no good comebacks because I couldn’t argue with that, “you two fight like a married couple.” Frank pointed out with his head inside the fridge, “Do I smell coffee? Mikey must be in here.” Ray entered the kitchen and nearly frightened the shit out of all of us because his mane of curls was crazier then ever, “I haven’t
Combed my hair yet, chill.” He said seeing our faces, Frank managed a grin, “where’s Bob?” Mikey asked, Ray shrugged, “still asleep.” Frank and I said in unison sending the shorter male into a fit of giggles.

Later on that day we arrived at our hotel it was huge and looked as if half the world’s tax payers dollars went into building it, Frank and I walked into the building together doing that friendly flirting thing that we do sometimes. I like that little flirting thing; I like it a little too much.

When we had registered and everything we got to our rooms, only two beds, “looks like we’re gonna have to pair off and someone’s going to be sleeping in the bathtub.” Ray smirked, “the usual?” After Ray had said ‘the usual’ and everybody agreed I started to feel uneasy, ‘the usual’ usually meant Frank and I in a bed together, now that I thought I might have these feelings for him I was worried something in my actions before I fell asleep could point that out to Frankie, and the last thing I wanted was our friendship torn to pieces with awkwardness.
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my first chapter of this fanfiction, tell me what you think, kind of boring I know.