All I Wanted Was You

Waking up early to black and white reruns

Opening my eyes, the face of an angel. Her tan skin glowing in the sunlight always made her look so much more beautiful than any other girl I have laid my eyes on. A piece of dark brown hair was in front of her face, but I didn’t want to wake her if I moved it. Never in a thousand years did I think I would end up with the most beautiful girl in the world. It’s amazing how one night can change someone’s life.

Never thought fans would go so crazy over Brendon and Ryan. I kind of feel bad for them, but I guess it’s the price of fame. I begin to wonder if William either didn’t think we’d have crazy fan girls trying to tear us apart or if he neglected to tell us about them as a joke. Whatever one it is, it’s unbearable.

“Can I have your autograph?” an excited fan asked me while holding out the CD cover. She looked pretty, but in a whorish way with her pink tank top showing her invisible cleavage. I’m not trying to be shallow, it’s just girls like her irritate me. The guys say I’m picky, but I’m not. Am I really being picky because I won’t date whatever girl is willing to fuck me on the first date? I don’t think so.

“Yeah, sure.” I said while grabbing the CD cover and signing it.

Moving on to the next fan, I didn’t even bother trying to strike up a conversation. All of the girls I’ve seen are both pretty, but whorish, or not as attractive and not my type. It’s hard being the only guy in the band without a girlfriend since Brendon and Ryan are dating models and…well Brent doesn’t have a girlfriend either, but he does have this girl at home who likes him for some reason. What I’m getting at is that I’m basically the only one who doesn’t have someone to call every so often, if not every night, and love when we get home.

“I’m pathetic.” I thought to myself, thinking about how despite I have become to look for someone who actually might be the perfect girl for me after every show.

Sighing, I sign a few more t-shirts and CD covers before looking away from the fan towards the end. There, I see a beautiful girl who doesn’t look like a whore at all. Her white teeth shining as she laughed and smiled with two other girls, I assume are her friends. Our eyes met and she still smiled, somehow making her face glow against the street lights that made everyone look dim.

“I have to talk to her.” I thought to myself while returning my attention towards the fans handing me more things to sign.

Quickening my pace, my signature became sloppier and sloppier after every signing. Of course many of the fan girls don’t really talk to me, since I’m just the drummer, but for some reason I think that girl at the end of the line wants to talk to me. It could just be my ego, but hopefully I’m right.

Getting closer and closer to the girl, I almost ran to her when I thought she was going to leave since her friends began to walk, but stopped myself from taking a step when she stood there alone. I had a sense of urgency to join her and keep her company, assuming that the other two girls went to get autographs from Brendon and Ryan.

“Hurry, hurry.” I mentally told the fans, hoping that they’d stop giving me things to sign so I could talk to the now lonely girl. With only two more fans to deal with, I’m extremely close.

Taking a few glances at her while she stood there nervously, her eyes were a beautiful green and her natural tan skin made her look beautiful. Her dark hair was strait with a bit of a wave, kind of like my own. She is well dressed and looked comfortable in her jean, brown tank top that actually showed she had some cleavage and a white hoodie. She was different from the other fan girls I’ve seen and a sweet, shy smile was sitting on her lips. She is beautiful.

“Hi, can you sign these?” she asked nervously while handing me three CD covers.

“Yeah, sure.” I said smoothly, trying to hide my own nervousness.

While signing the first cover, she said something I’ve been told tons of times since we’ve been on tour, but just the way she said it made me feel like it was the first time. “You have beautiful eyes.” Just for some reason, it made me blush.

“Thank you.” I said while quickly signing the second and third covers. “Here you go.”

Handing them to her, our skin touched and I quickly apologized.

She smiled before saying, “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. You have really soft hands for a drummer.”

From my perspective, it sounds like she’s flirting with me, but it could be completely different in her perspective. For all I know she could just be trying to start a conversation until her friends come back or until she gets some autographs from the rest of the guys.

“Thanks. Actually since I just bang on the drums, my hands don’t get as rough as the guys’.” I stated, realizing that I must sound like a smart-ass.

“Yeah, I suppose. I’m Haley by the way.” She introduced while holding out her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Spencer.” I said while shaking her hand. It was soft and perfectly fit into mine as if they were meant for each other. I wanted to lace my fingers with her’s, but I’m afraid that it might freak her out.

Realizing that I’ve been holding her hand for a while, I quickly let go. Feeling slightly embarrassed, I began to blush and she smiled warmly as if she didn’t mind it.

Looking at her eyes, I said, “I know it seems belated, but you’re eyes are beautiful.”

She smiled and I could see her tan face turn into a light shade of pink. It makes her look even more adorable than she already is.

Checking on the guys, I looked down to see that they were pretty far from us and Zack was still protecting Brendon and Ryan from a couple of crazy ass fan girls. “Hm, it won’t take long.” I thought to myself thinking that I could show Haley around the tour bus and get to know her better.

“Um,” I nervously started while looking back at Haley, “Uh, I’ve never asked a fan this, but would you like to hang out with me on our tour bus?”

With a smile, she replied yes and walked around the barricade that once separated us. We walked towards the buses and I wanted to know more about her. She was by far the most seemingly interesting girl I have seen since we’ve began tour. I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about her that I haven’t seen in other fans.

“So, do you live in Chicago?” I asked curiously. From experience and having Shane ask where people come from, just because they’re at a show in a certain city, doesn’t mean that they live there.

“No, I live in Longview. It’s a few hours away. So how was going up in Las Vegas?” she asked, changing the subject onto me.

“It was pretty boring. We didn’t have much to do besides blow stuff up and get hurt.” I replied, half jokingly.

“The blowing up stuff sounds fun, but getting hurt doesn’t.” she stated as we walked in between the Academy Is… bus and ours.

“Yes, but we stopped getting hurt once we went onto making music. We didn’t stop blowing up stuff though.” She smiled and I noticed her shaking her head a little bit, as if we were acting stupid by keeping up our trouble making days.

“Well, I’m sure blowing up things is tons of fun. So how old are you, Spencer?” she asked me as I opened the door to the bus.

“I’m 18. How old are you?” I replied, allowing her to enter before me.

“17, I’m turning 18 in May.” She walked into the bus and I was close behind wonder why she added the fact that she was turning 18 in a few months. “Maybe she’s hinting that she wants to be my girlfriend.” I thought to myself as she looked at our living space.

“Oh, so you’re a senior?” Haley nodded while looking at the kitchen and taking a seat on the couch.

“I’m assuming you graduated last year?” she said while placing her hands in her lap.

“Yeah. Graduated high school, thank God, and then became somewhat famous afterwards.” I told her while sitting down next to her. Without really thinking, the next thing I did was ask if she had a boyfriend or not. In all honesty, I wish I wasn’t so blunt about it, but
I’m happy that I didn’t think it through when she said no.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked me while placing her hand closer to the side of my thigh. I looked into her eyes, trying to see if her eyes were dilated. I heard from someone that a way to see if a girl likes you is if their eyes are dilated.

Seeing that they were, I smiled before replying, “No, but…would you like to be my girlfriend?”

Her bright smile appeared on her face as she placed her hands on mine and replied with a yes.

Happiness was the only emotion I could feel now. I was no longer the only lonely guy in Panic! At The Disco, but I still didn’t know a lot about her and she didn’t know a lot about me.

“So tell me about yourself, Spencer.” Haley said while holding my hand.

“Well in short. I’m the oldest of three and I have two younger sisters named Jackie and Crystal who are still in school. I was born and raised in Las Vegas and my best friend is Ryan. I have a feminine face, but it doesn’t bother me as much as it use to.”

“Well, that’s good. I like you’re feminine face. Well my name is Haley Heckenberg. I’ve in Illinois for all my life and I’m graduating high school still. I have two best friends, Nikki and Rebecca.” She told me before hearing the sound of her phone go off. She didn’t let go of my hand as she answered it, probably one of her friends calling to see where she is.
I didn’t pay attention to the conversation, but when she stood up I knew it was time to go.

“It looks like I have to go. Maybe when you’re off of tour, we could hang out and get to know each other better.” She told me as I got up and followed her to the front of the bus.

“ Well, today was actually our last show for a while until we have to tour again with Ok Go and Dresden Dolls. Maybe we can hang out a bit tonight if you’re not leaving.” I told her as we walked off of the bus. She stopped, waiting for me and giving me a look as if she was in disbelief while I shut the door. Her face became softer as if she was grateful if I did.

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to miss a chance to see your family again before you guys have to tour again.” She told me. Haley is a really sweet girl and I’m happy that she caught my eye.

“Yeah, I’m sure. I can fly back tomorrow; besides, my parents and my sisters can wait to see me.” I told her while placing my arm around her shoulders.

“Oh, well okay. I just don’t want your mom and sisters to be mad at me for keeping you away.” She said while lacing her fingers with my hand that was drooping off of her shoulder.

“Don’t worry. They’ll be more happy than angry.” I told her in a reassuring voice as we walked closer to the small group of people waiting for us.

“Well that’s good.”

As we came closer, the small group of people began to migrate towards us. I could see Zack smiling and her two friends smiling, but the guys had an undertone look of being unsure.

“Here you are Haley. Where’d you go?” a girl wearing a silver locket and an all white long sleeve shirt with a white undershirt said. She had short light hair and I was wondering if these two girls were the two best friends Haley told me about just a minute ago.

“I was with Spencer.” She said while resting her head on my chest. In all honestly, I was surprised she didn’t say “I was with my boyfriend”, but it made me happy to know that she wasn’t really into claiming the fact that she’s dating me.

“Are you guys dating or something?” Brendon asked, observing the pose Haley and I were standing as.

“Yeah.” I said shyly, wondering if Haley even wanted me to tell them.

“Since when?” Ryan asked.

Haley and I looked at each other, trying to see if we knew how long we’ve been dating for. Making an estimation, I told them about five minutes ago. They gave me a look as if I was making the biggest mistake of my life, but at the same time they were happy.

“Are we the first to know?” a girl wearing a white Abercrombie and Fitch hoodie asked.

“Yeah.” Haley said in a curious tone. It was an odd question to ask if they were the first to know, I mean who else could we have told if The Academy Is… is somewhere else at the moment?

“I’m going to stay with her for tonight.” I stated trying to change the awkward silence that had somehow formed.

“Oh, really?” the Abercrombie and Fitch girl asked in shocked.

“Yes, Nikki.” Haley told her while looking at the guys to see if it’s okay with them.

“Well, that’s cool. Spencer, have fun man.” Zack said, basically allowing me permission to stay with them.

“Thanks. I’ll go get my suitcase then.” I said while letting go of Haley. Tonight is definitely the night that’s going to change the rest of my life.

And in fact that night did change my life…from being a single drummer to being a drummer who’s engaged to the most amazing girl in the whole entire world.

’Will you marry me?” I asked her going down on one knee before leaving for Europe.
She had a shocked look on her face as she looked at the diamond ring I bought yesterday. Tears began to fill her beautiful eyes from either excitement or fear. I’m more hoping it’s for excitement.

“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!” she said excitedly while giving me a hug and kissing me.

I understand we’ve only been dating for half a year, but I know I’m going to end up spending the rest of my life with her in the end once our band has stopped making music or once I know how to balance marriage and touring.

“Spencer, we have to wait though.” She told me while pulling herself away from me. I got up from my knee and nodded, understanding what she meant.

“I know; think of it as a promise ring then. It’s a promise that we’ll get married once I’m done touring for good or once you’re ready for it.” I told her while holding her hands.

“Okay, Spenny. It’ll be our promise ring and we’ll get married once we can.” She told me before kissing my lips.

“Okay.” I said before kissing her back.

“Spencer, come on!” Zack yelled, rushing me because our flight is boarding.

“Hold on!” I yelled back before kissing Haley again and promising her that I’ll try to talk to her while I’m in Europe. It’ll be our first time, so I don’t really know anything about out of country calling and stuff.

“I love you Spence.” She said while giving me one last hug before I leave.

“I love you too, Haley. You’re the only girl I’ve ever wanted and will ever want. Remember that.” I told her before kissing her forehead and letting her go.

“I do.” She said while holding my hand. As much as I didn’t want to leave her, I had to, so we said our good-byes and I walked away to board the plane with Zack.

I ended up figuring out how to call her while being in other countries and whenever we have to leave to another country I call her every night to say good night or good morning depending on the time zone. Call me a hopeless romantic, but that’s okay. Haley likes it and that’s all that matters.

My first night in the Philippines and it was pretty awesome. We got some weird toys I could send to Haley that’d she’d enjoy and Manila was a pretty city. Laying in bed, we had a show today along with many interviews and it didn’t help that the jet-lag was killing me. With the 15 hour difference between me and Haley, it was hard for me to count to see what the time was in L.A. All I know is that it’s night time over there, so I should call her to say good night.

Letting the phone ring a couple times, Haley finally answered sounding a lot more awake than me.

“Hey Spence.” She said in a soft tone.

“Hey Haley, how was your day?” I asked her in a groggy tone.

“Pretty good, I miss you though. It sounds like you haven’t gotten any sleep for a day.” She told me. It sounded like there was a hint of sympathy in her voice, as if she felt bad that I
was suffering from the jet lag. Of course she does, which is the reason why she makes me go to bed right when I get home from an overseas tour. “You should sleep.”

“I’m thinking about taking a nap. I just called to say good night.” I told her while looking up at the spinning fan.

“Aw, you’re so sweet.” I could feel it in her voice that she wanted to hug me.

“Well, what can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic like Romeo.” I told her, just realizing that I made the worst comparison ever. This jet lag is definitely going to be the death of me.

“I like that you’re a hopeless romantic, Spenny. You’re type of guys know how to treat girls better than anyone else.” There was a sense of honesty and joking in that statement, but it cheered me up. I’m still tired though.

“Well that’s good. Alright, I’m going to take a nap. I love you Hales.” I told her before yawning.

“Good night, Spenny. I love you too.” And with that I hung up the phone and fell right to sleep.

With this much between us, we have managed to make these four and a half years last. Now she’s lying in bed with me, dreaming about something interesting as the sunlight filled our room.

Looking at the clock behind me, I saw that it was time for me to get ready before Zack picks me up to drive over to Butch’s house. Today is our first day of tour, so we have to get up and get ready since Brendon and I still have to work some stuff out with Butch and the tour manager and everything. Being in a band is hard work, that’s all I’m saying.

Moving the piece of hair out of her face and touching her smooth skin with my finger tips, it was enough to get her to at least open her eyes. The green eyes connected with my blue ones as a smiled crept onto her face.

“Good morning, Hales.” I said while tucking the piece of hair behind her ear.

“Good morning, Spenny.” She said before pecking my lips.

“Well today is the day.” I informed her while propping myself up on my elbow.

“Aw, I want you to stay in bed with me.” She said in a childish tone. Of course she knows that I can’t stay in bed with her, but it’s always fun to pretend that I can.

“Okay, five more minutes and then I have to get ready.” I bargained while laying myself next to her and making it so our bodies were close together.

“That’s fine with me. Good thing we took a shower last night.” She said while winking. I smiled remembering last night. It was actually a lot harder than other people think, but then again our shower is pretty slippery.

“Yep, it’ll take me less time to get ready before Zack comes to get me and gives us more time.” I told her while hugging her closely and kissing her forehead.

“Well at least you guys have this large span. You’re fans need you though.” She said in an understanding tone. The best thing about Haley is that she’s understanding towards me and the fans, since she is still a fan and even bugged me when we weren’t recording.

“Yes, I’m sure they’ve missed us, but I’ll miss you the most.”

Five minutes passed by quickly as we laid in bed talking about what might possibly happen in our future. We talked about marriage and kids, joking around about how Brendon was going to be the goofy uncle figure for our kid or kids.

“Ugh, five minutes was too quick.” I said while looking at the clock.

Haley giggled as we got out of bed. “Yeah, damn clock. Time needs to slow down.” I’ve always enjoyed her sense of humor; it’s one thing I’m going to miss while on tour again.

“We need a time machine.” I stated while going into the closet to grab whatever clothes wasn’t already packed. It was a white shirt and a pair of jeans.

“I’ll see if one is for sale on eBay.” She said while grabbing her clothes.

We got dressed, but it took a while since she always enjoys messing with me while I get dressed. She brings me so much happiness despite my straight face that makes me look like I’m mad or something. Haley likes to poke fun at me for making those faces.

Hearing a couple honks, it signified that Zack is here to pick me up. Slipping on some shoes, Haley and I walked to the front door with my two packed suitcases. As I opened the door, Zack got out of his black truck to greet Haley.

“Hey Haley.” He said while giving her a hug.

“Hey Zack, ready for another few months of protecting my boyfriend and Brendon?” she asked as we walked to the back of the truck.

“Yeah, I’ve been working out,” He said while flexing his arms. “These fans are getting crazier and crazier every year. It seems like Spencer is lucky enough to get the only normal one.” I placed my suitcases in the back, nodding in agreement.

“Aw, thanks Cloud.” She said while giving Zack a hug before he walked back to the driver’s side and got in.

“Don’t go looking for other girls.” She said jokingly before kissing my lips.

“Why would I go looking for other girls when all I wanted was you?” I asked her while looking into her dark green eyes. Like always, they glowed with happiness and I couldn’t help but smile and kiss her back.

“I love you so much, Spencer.” Haley gave me a tight hug as if she didn’t want to let me go, I didn’t want her to let me go either.

“I love you too, Haley.” I told her while hugging her back.

“Sorry to break up you two love birds, but we have to go.” Zack told us.

We pulled away from each other and I got into Zack’s truck. Haley walked by my open window and said her good-byes before we drove off towards Butch’s house.

“You’re a lucky guy, Spence.” Zack told me as I watched Haley get farther and farther away through the side window.

“Thanks, Zack.” I said while looking at him. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world with a girl like Haley as my fiancée.
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Thanks for reading and yes, I used Spencer's real girlfriend; but what can I say? They're an adorable couple and I couldn't dare tear them apart. Besides All I Wanted by Paramore expresses their relationship since Spencer and Haley have been dating for four and something years. I purposely made Spencer a super sweet, romantic guy by the way.