Status: Completed

Stealing Stars

If I could reach up and grab some stars I would. I would pocket them and then run home and put them in a jar so I could watch them light up my room like lightening bugs. The stars would help guide me through my life and to them I’d be forever thankful.

But in reality I can’t steal stars from the night sky nor can I figure out why I am so sad. I have my wonderful life while there are children in Africa who deserve it more than me. I’m lost and I can’t talk to anyone because they won’t understand. They will never understand.

I fear many things. I fear of dying before I can accomplish something good. I fear insects that can kill. I fear of losing myself to a world of incessant hate. But most of all I fear living; for living is hard and dying is just so, so easy. In the words of Emily Dickinson, “To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.” I don’t believe that truer words have ever been spoken.