Status: Not your quintessential vampire story...

Children of the Night

Her New Beginning

"Where... am I...?" Katsumi mumbled quietly. She was lying prostrate on the ground, her face to the cold concrete. She carefully got up, her head was pounding violently. Her knees buckled and she stumbled to the floor. Suddenly a woman who carried a graceful sense of authority entered the room.
"Who- who are you?" Kat asked almost silently.
"I, am Katarina of the sisterhood. You are a lucky child, we managed to save you before that mongrel," she spat, "Finished you off. What is your name?" Her demeanor became calm again, her bright blue eyes measured Kat. Her accent was strange. Foreign. Italian, maybe.
"I-I'm Katsumi... But, my friends call me Kat." She had no idea why she added that, but she felt she could trust Katarina.
"Nice to meet you Kat, welcome to the sisterhood." A smile grew easily onto her pale face.
A sisterhood. Kat had no idea what that was about but she had more important things weighing on her mind.
"Wh-what... was he...?"
"He was a vampire," she replied nonchalantly, smiling slightly.
Kat took a moment to dissect the words that had just been spoken, her eyes shifting to every corner of the room, then she lost it.
"But vampires don't exsist!" Kat screamed, horrified by the fact that someone would tell her a lie like that. Kat suddenly felt that she was going to die. She was going to be killed by a lying woman who she had trusted for a split second because she was scared and alone and she was the first face she had seen since the... What could she even call what had happened? An attack? A vivid nightmare which she will soon wake up from? Her face was livid with her thoughts displayed in every mortified tear and guttural sob.
"I'm afriad they do, young one... and now, you are one as well."
"No! But that's impossible!... No... You think you're one of them?!" She screeched and reached up to her hair and pulled lightly at the ends. What her hand came back with was astounding and infinately scarring. A large tuft of black hair bloddied with the piece of scalp that had come back with it.
Katarina clenched her jaw and watched the blood coagulate in seconds and the scalp reform over the skull and the hair grow back.
"Oh." Was all the Katsumi had to say. She unclenched her fist and the hair drifted to the ground and faded into the air, escaping the room as a foggy gray apparation.
"...Yes, the sisterhood is made up of female vampires. The bretherens happen to be very different from us... more, bloodthisty lets say. However, we do have nomad allies..." she continued, pacing the room as she continued to preach her litany, unaware of the wavering Kat who was now sitting on the ground with her head in her hands.
"Crazy..." And with that, Kat's conciousness melted into the concrete floors and to some place beyond her concrete confinement.
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I kind of like this chapter. I thought it was a lot better than before. Comments por favor!