Status: Not your quintessential vampire story...

Children of the Night

New Friends, New Enemies

Months went by and Kat stayed in her cell with only occasional visits from Katarina. She had said that Kat was too unstable to go out yet and finally it was the day that Kat would be released from her cell.
"Kat?" Katarina called from the door, opening it slightly.
Kat looked up and smiled, "Yes?"
"It's time. Come with me and we'll clean you up and get you some clothes." Katarina motioned for Kat.
She got up and followed Katarina out the door. About a month after hearing about the exsistence of vampires she had grown to accept it because fangs and a miraculous healing body were coincidences one couldn't just ignore. She began o learn about the sisterhood and had bonded a strange friendship with the woman named Katarina.
She was led into a concrete hallway and through a heavy door. The bathroom was simple and bland. Kat peered into the mirror, although she was dirty her hair and clothes sullied and blood covered, it was nice to see a familiar face from her past. Katarina sheperded her into the tub and left the room to get some clothes.
Kat relished the steam from the water carresing her face, she dipped her head below the water, letting the dirt in her hair wash away. It was strangely calming, the way that the water cradled her like a long lost lover. Her lungs demanded air so she came up. She smiled widely and stepped out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy white towel around her , it retained the warmth and she was perfectly content. Her memories were fading so fast. She barely remembered her brother's face now. It was odd, she could only see his eyes and she would always feel small and sad inside when she thought the word, brother.
"Come in."
Katarina walked in and handed her the clothes and stepped outside again.
Kat slipped into the jeans and t-shirt, "Ah, clean underwear..." she thought. She pulled on the tennis shoes and a green hoodie. She glanced in the mirror again, she picked up the brush and rythmically brushed through her jet black hair. I the florecent light made it look almost blue. Kat looked herself over, 'Not bad.' she thought. Her dark almond shaped eyes shimmered, she smiled lightly and joined Katarina in the hallway, she was speaking with somebody. They both stopped abruptly when Kat appeared.
"Uh, Kat. This is Adamma, the lady of our sisterhood."
Adamma nodded to Kat, "I've heard a lot about you. We should get going Katarina, the sisterhood awaits." she gazed evenly at the two.
"Of course." Katarina replied and bowed her head. The two vampires followed silently behind Adamma. After a few minutes of walking they entered a large concrete room filled with vampires. A man stood in the middle of the room. The room was in an uproar. Inscrutable scorn was being yellied andperfidious laughter rose and fell, weaving through the crowds. Until the Lady's precsense was announced without a word. A hush grew over the spectators. "Lady Adamma." the man said, going down on one knee and bowing his head.
"Artemis, it's been a while." she said tartly, boaring a cool stare into his being. "What do you wish of me?"
"Uh-Well, our coven is in dire need of you're... help."
"You expect me to help you after you murdered half of my coven in cold blood?!" She demanded, gripping the hair on the top of his head and tearing his head up. His eyes adverted from side to side. "Look at me!" she yelled in a boooming voice. The man was trembling.
"Yes..." he whispered.
Adamma slapped his cheek, the sound echoed around the carvernous room. "Relana, kill him." she said with authority.
"Please! Spare me! I am just a humble messenger!", he pleaded, tears running down his face, his voice cracked.
Adamma glared at the man, "Get out of my sight!" she hissed and kicked him over with her black stilleto boot. "Show him the way out!", A red headed vampire laguidly stalked over to the man, "Get up you filthy mongrel!" She gripped his shoulder with a single hand and dragged him up, breaking through the skin and muscle, her fingers appeared from the other side with wriggling little red ornaments dangling from them. The man screamed and was dragged along out the door with the red head.
The room was filled with cheering and whistleing. "Wow." Kat thought out loud.
Adamma silenced them with a single hand motion. "Sisters!" she boomed, "Please welcome our newest addition to our noble coven!" The cheering began again, Katsumi's heart leapt up into her throat. Welcome to the sisterhood, Katsumi.

Later at dinner time the vampires gathered in a great hall, the steaming food wafted around the room. She sat by Katarina and a young vampire named Sara who was to be her roommate. The conversations generally revolved around the old tales of great battles and excecutions, Kat had pretty much lost her appetite. She pushed her food around on the plate. Sara noticed and laughed, "Don't worry, you'll get used to it." Sara had light brown hair and walnut colored eyes. She appeared ultimately too sweet to ever be in the coven. She grinned and patted Kat's back. "C'mon, let's introduce you to some of my friends."
Kat got up and ran after Sara. "Kat, this is Jade. Jade this is Kat."
"Hi." Kat said.
"Hello." Jade replied and waved slightly.
Katwas yanked by Sara to another table.
"Hey Terri! This is Kat. Kat, Terri. Terri, Kat."
"Hiya!" Terri grinned and put her hand out.
"Hi." Kat took Terri's hand and shook it firmly.
"Hey Ter, do you know where Raven went?"
"No idea, last time I saw her was at the gathering."
Suddenly, a tall woman appeared, demanding the attention of others around her.
"Raven's sick. She's in her room," the stranger said cooly.
"Uh-thanks Kole. Um Kat this is Kole." Sara said quietly (a definate first).
"Hello," Kole greeted Kat, looking her up and down as if measuring her up. It appeared as though Kat had been categorized as a particularly disgusting cockroach.
Kat smiled faintly. She got a bad feeling about this woman.
Kole turned and walked to the door of the great hall, Kat's eyes followed her. Kole sensed this, glared at Kat and dissapeared into the dark hallway.
"Wow, she's a little..." Kat began.
"Scary?" Teri offered.
"Try phychotic, she's been determined to be the leader of this coven since the moment she got here."
Kat's eyes widened.
"Don't listen to her, she minipulates the guilable."Teri said, rolling her eyes.
"No, I'm serious... She's got something to hide..."
♠ ♠ ♠
Well. I was very happy with this chapter. I tried to make some parts a little uneasy feeling. Comments? :3