I'm Tthe Beast?

The Second


I sat in the back of the taxi, my humiliation mounting.

How dare he fire my limo driver?

Only God knows just what kind of common people have sat in this seat before me. I can feel their mediocrity crawling all over me. Looking out the window I watch as the city scene turned into the wild of the forest.

I frowned, “Are you sure this is the way to the airport?”

“Oh yes,” the driver said happily, “Fernando arranged for you to depart in a secluded airport, that way you won’t be bothered.”

I smiled, “Well, at least Fernando’s good for something.”

Looking back out the window I frown once again when dark clouds gathered and moved closer. Lightening struck and thunder rumbled as rain began pelting against the cab.

The driver never stopped.

In fact, it was like he didn’t even notice the storm brewing outside. As the seconds passed the storm blew harder. Hail fell from the clouds to pummel the car, chipping the yellow paint.

And still the drive continued on, even gaining some speed.

“Shouldn’t we be slowing down?” I asked as I braced for a sharp turn.

“Hmm? What for?”

I stared wide eyed at the driver, “Maybe because it’s storming out there?!”

The driver didn’t answer me back, instead taking another sharp turn at high speeds. Just as the car curved a dark shadow materialized in front of us. The driver jerked the wheel, sending the car careening into the woods. I screamed as the car bounced over rocks and brush.

Why hadn’t I thought to put on my seat belt?

Bracing myself against the seat in front of me I watch as one of the largest trees I have ever seen standing tall and mighty before the cab. Screaming even louder I look to the driver.

But there was no one in the seat…

My eyes widened as I stared into the vacant place.

Where did the driver go?

Before even another thought could form in my mind the cab smashed into the tree, sending me flying into the front seat.