I'm Tthe Beast?

The Third


I woke up to the sound of chirping birds and the wind whistling around me. Lifting my head I spit out the moss from my mouth.

How did I get moss in my mouth?

Wait, scratch that.

How did I get out of the cab?!

With my back stiff and achy I sit up on a soft mound of moss. The cab was a pile of scrap metal. you could barely tell the car had once been yellow. Looking around I could see the cab’s destruction as it barreled through the forest. Plant life lay sprawled on the ground in varies states of mush or decay. Trees surrounded the wreckage, the one large tree still standing as if the cab was nothing. The foliage that wasn’t crushed by the car was lush and green, as if the storm from the night before had rejuvenated the starving plants.

God, I must have flown from the cab when it wrecked…

This would make the perfect feature film!

But, of course, with me as the star.

Getting up I ignore the aches and pains from the crash and start to walk through the wreckage, heading back to the road, but then a thought struck me, how did the driver get out of the car before it crashed? I glared at the landscape in front of me. He probably jumped out before the car barreled into the forest.

What a jerk.

I’m totally suing his ass when I get back to civilization.

Stumbling through the broken bushes and saplings I practically have to crawl my way back to the road. Once I’m back on the dark tarmac I look down at my dress. The pink skirts were torn, stains from the plants and mud making the once multiple shades of pink into a regurgitated Pepto-Bismol look. I may not have liked this dress, but it is my only garment right now.

And I hate looking like a dirty hobo.

Stomping my foot in a mini outrage I cry out in frustration. How am I supposed to be ready for the paparazzi looking like this?! Wiping my hands over my face I take a few deep breathes. Fernando and all his little helpers will pay for this. How dare they try to ruin my image like this?

Giving a sigh I start to walk down the road. Half of me prayed that someone drove by to help me, but the other half didn’t want anyone to see me like this. God, I must look like I’m middle class!