I'm Tthe Beast?

The Fourth


As day turned into night I began to get frustrated. I thought there was supposed to be an airport around here! But no, not even one car has passed by as I walked the road.

Not one!

Sighing I continue to follow the dirty tarmac, my dress falling apart with every step I take. Growling when the fabric flower fell from my dress I began stomping it into the ground, screaming with every step. That was until the heel on my shoe broke, sending me crashing to the ground.

I lay on my back as pain spread through my body. The loose dirt on the road pressed into my back and clung to my dress causing me to lose even more material.

God, can my life get any worse?

Lightening spread through the dark sky as thunder echoed across the forest. Springing to my feet I send a silent fair well to my shoes. Flinging the ruined heels away I race down the road as the rain started to fall. Each new drop of water fell faster and harder than the last, pelting everything in its path. Now completely soaked I turn down a small dirt path hoping that the trees would shield me from the rain as I ran to find better shelter. Having only a small reprieve I follow the path further into the forest.

As long as I stay near the path I should be able to find my way back to the road, but right now I just want to get out of this rain. As I turn the sharp bend in the path an oddly shaped shadow loomed before me. Running closer I feel excitement expand as the shadow formed into a cabin. Pushing myself to go even faster I run up to the porch and begin banging on the wooden door.

“Hello? Is anybody in there?!”

I continue to scream and knock frantically.

“Hello? Open the door!”

Hearing a series of locks being turned I take a step back and wait impatiently as the door opened.


When the door was opened far enough I pushed myself into the cabin, shoving the person aside.

“It took you long enough. Were you trying to leave me out in the rain?”

The cabin was awash in darkness, making it hard to see who owned this place, but by the size of the person’s shadow I’m going to guess the owner is male.

“I’m sorry, but you woke me from a deep sleep. It took me a while to realize someone was at the door.”

Yup, defiantly a male, one with a very deep voice.

“That’s not my problem,” I sneered

Felling frustrated over his lack of concern for my well being I quickly feel along the wall, looking for a light switch, but all I feel is the smoothness of the polish wooden walls. I can’t seem to find even a single plastic switch.

“Where are the light controls? I can’t see a thing.”

“Then we’re on equal terms,” the deep voice spoke, “there aren’t any lights here.”

“What?” I cry with shock, “Why don’t you have lights? Is this cabin that old?”

“No, I just don’t need them.”

I frowned, “That’s ridiculous. Everyone needs some form of light to see by.”

“Not me.”

I narrowed my eyes in the area I thought he was in, “Why is that? Do you have some kind of night vision?”

“No,” he sounded amused, “I actually have no vision at all.”