Status: I'm writing this because...

Owl Eyes

The Cat Named Sue

The cat’s name was Sue. Sue was a he. He was a mangy little thing with only one hind leg and a single ear, but he was a good listener.

Frankie was out at the trashcans behind her house, talking to Sue and scratching his good ear. “I drew today,” she said and Sue mewled in response and hopped up onto one of the aluminum trashcans. “I drew a bird. I don’t remember drawing it. But it’s good.”

Sue’s ears perked up.

“You like birds. Don’t you, Sue?”

Sue didn’t respond and began to stalk a squirrel a few feet away.

“Goodbye, Sue. I’m going to school now. Catch a bird for me.” She smiled and patted his rump and ran her fingers along his nearly hairless tail. Frankie then grabbed her backpack that was leaning against one of the trashcans and she walked out to the sidewalk.

Today was going to be a good day. The sun was shining and there was only a light wind coming from the east. It was unfortunate to be going to school, but that’s the way it goes.

She smiled up at the sun and began to walk down the street and then everything was gone and it was all blank and there was no sunshine and no wind and no street.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there you go. This is going to get a little interesting now... Thanks for reading!