
Phew! Finally I can get out of that crazy ATM box line. Besides the line is goddamn long and the bald old man behind me smells so bad. I even hold my breath when he yawns. Ewww. I wonder when the last time he took a bath. The length of line is unusual. The early days of this month make Sheffield public consumption pattern tends to increase.

Yay! Finally My turn. I enter my card and press the buttons as much as the pounds that I need to buy as my necessity in a great quantities. Yeah, I need so many things to buy at the moment, more than usual. Snack, night cream, towel, etc. The ATM machine vibrates and pops notes of pounds out. Done. It’s shopping time!

And then, I make my way to the supermarket as the two clerks greet me with their friendly big smiles. The biggest smile I’ve ever seen so far today. Probably they remember my half-Asian face very well since my mom, my twin little brothers—Bilvy and Chaz—and I always shop here like every week. But not for today. I’m shopping by myself. My mom attends the monthly meeting in Bilvy and Chaz’s school.

I bet all of their teachers would give the same reports like, “Your boys are so incredibly hyperactive, Mrs. O’Shea! They’ve broken four vases in Art class on two days in a row.” No wonder since they tend to act oddly and different from other kids in their age. When the average third grader kids would like to play football or hide-and-seek, Bilvy and Chaz have more interest in picking the ball and hiding them under their Tshirts and then act like pregnant woman. They start to burst out laughing at each other when they find this super funny. Weird yes, but their friends always put down Bilvy and Chaz actions as a cool thing. Little scroundels.

Thank God for bringing me here alone, so I can shopping freely. Free to buy all what I want, free to buy without my mom’s gripe, and free from those two little annoying scroundels. Because all of these expenditures are my own necessity to go abroad from Sheffield to Arizona.

Oh my God, I almost forgot. I am Shannon Kinanti O’Shea. I live here in Sheffield and I’m an Irish-Indonesian breeding. My daddy is an Irish and my mommy is an Indonesian, and the truth is I’ve never been to Indonesia for the rest of my life. I barely can speak Bahasa, and they’re only simple ones like: “Saya cinta kamu” and “Nama saya Shannon”.

Bilvy once mocked me like, “Monyet kau!” I don’t know the meaning of those words, even I’m sure that was Bahasa and of course it means a bad thing. I’ve always wanted to go to Indonesia someday though. My mom said Indonesia is amazingly beautiful.

In short, I’ll start my new life a couple days later in Arizona. A week ago, my school called my dad and told him that Arizona State University accepted my scholarship application. I still can’t believe it because it’s like my dream to study in that university, and they accepted my application after I passed some educational tests. Heinrich High School, the place where I used to study and I would leave at the same time, has a good connection with ASU. ASU would approve some students who has a very good science capability to continue their study. And the good news is, my Social Science score is better than the average student in my school. Yay me!

Finally, I will gey out from Sheffield. No no no. It’s not like I don’t like this town. l just don’t want to be a clinging vine in Sheffield but I want to learn how to live my life with my own way in States. The reason why I choose Arizona because first, Heinrich High School is connected with ASU; second, by design I do not want to move into busy town like DC or NY. I better stay away from that boisterousness, and Arizona is the best choice, I think.

However, Sheffield will always be the number one for me; not only because this is my hometown, but also Def Leppard and Arctic Monkeys were born here. Who doesn’t love that evergreen Pour Some Sugar On Me song, eh? That’s like my all time anthem. And who doesn’t love Arctic Monkeys, right? It’s my favorite band of all time. I hope Nick O’Malley will dump his famous model girlfriend then marry me someday. Irish are adorable. Go Irish! Nahhh.. just kidding, kiddo. I would love to if that’s real, though. HA!

So my shopping-list is almost done. Only towel and shampoo left. Well, then I turn back my trolley and pull them to the Bathe Needs aisle. I stop my way beside a heap of herbal shampoos. I grab two bottles of shampoo and put them in the trolley. Oops! One bottle is tossed aside from the trolley and fall because somebody is kinda bumping to me. Shit. Don’t you dare to shove my elbow again, you effing..

“Oops! Sorry.. my bad.. Oh hello Shannon!” that elbow-shover interjects out loud. Uh-oh dude, my ears are well enough to hear your normal voice without yelling. A tattooed-guy wears neon green Drop Dead T-shirt with black skinny jeans. He puts that falling shampoo which is fallen near his Macbeth right shoe. I think I consider this guy.

“Hey you Oli! What are you flipping doing here? I thought you were in England tour with your metalcore band?” I ask him as I pull my trolley in the sideway so it won’t block the corridor.

“I supposed to, but my drummer, you know Matt Nicholls’ got chickenpox so we let him to have some rest. So yeah here I am! Enjoy my day off accompanying my mom shopping. Hahaha.. and let me guess. You’re here for shopping your needs to go to Arizona. Am I right?” he says as he turns his head down to look on my trolley. And yes, he’s right.

“Hahaha.. sometimes I think if you’re a oracle instead of Oliver Scott Sykes. But yeah you are right. How could you know that by the way?”

“Unbelieveable. Dude, my eyes are well enough to read that giant announcement board and your name is mentioned on one of the ten students who accepted by ASU. Finally you will go to America for study thingy, Miss Genius! Oh well, since I got this missed call from my mom, I think I gotta go. Happy shopping, Shananay! See you in America. I’m sure Bring Me The Horizon gotta hit those gingers ground! Hahaha.. take care! Oh and don’t forget to buy more tampons!” he winks his right eye and he’s just gone.

Oh what a talkative rocker he is. And oh Gosh.. I can’t believe he still remember that stupid shameful accident! I was blacked out in Biology class because my bleeding nose . That was so much blood until Jessica had to clogged my nose with her tampon. Jess once told me that Oliver was carrying me away to medical room that time. Actually, Oliver is my senior in Heinrich High School and he is a singer of that famous metalcore band, Bring Me The Horizon. I often helped him to clean up the table when he got punishment. He skipped Math, Biology, and History classes a lot. Like, a lot.

I pull my trolley to towel basket in the corner. There are so many colorful towels there. I used to have plain towel in my entire life, so I’m gonna buy a towel with a cool pattern on it. I clasiffy the towels one by one. Hannah Montana.. eww. Power Puff Girls.. nahhh. Batman.. I’m sure Bilvy would take them over. Arsenal.. lovely.

I put that Arsenal towel in my trolley which is already full with my expanditures. Then I boost the trolley as I make my way to the cashier. After all of my stuffs are stuffed, I bring them to my car. I was literally surprised when I knew I got so many discounts just because my Mom has a gold membercard. That’s what mother is for. Haha.

I’m on my way back home. Super stoked for packing my suitcase. Two days more left for Arizona!

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sorry for my broken grammar. this is my very first fanfic, so yeah.. hope you'll like it ;) thank you Icha for beta-ed this story. I LOVE YOU :)