A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 1: What is this Hogwarts?

Lexa Verasmi is a 15 years old teenager from New York. She knew she was adopted, so when her adoptive parents realized she was a vampire, they had to deal with it. She was seven when she got adopted, then she ate the cat and the dog of the family.

Lexa is having breakfast at the backyard when her mother yells at her -"Lexa you have mail, a package"
"Coming!" she yells back

She hurries into the house and opens the package without checking the address. There is a letter which reads:

Dear Lexa Verasmi:

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of necessary books and equipment. Term beggins September 1st...

"Is this a joke mom?" Lexa asks

"What are you talking about dear?" mother asks worried.

"I've been accepted in a Magical school or something, in London" Lexa replies

"Magical? Aren't you a vampire? Mother ask .

Somebody knocks at the door. Lexa goes and opens it.

"Sorry if I interrupt something. Let me introduce myself, I am Minerva McGonagall, from Hogwarts" The stranger informs joyful.

"Thanks God! You have mistaken me for somebody else" Lexa says rapidly

"We never make mistakes at Hogwarts , with students, you are also a wizard, don't worry, we won't tell you are a vampire, if you don't want us to" Minerva says.

"How you know?" Lexa questions surprised

"We don't have time, today is August 30, and you have a lot of shopping to do" Minerva replies fixing her hat.

"Go! Have fun , don't worry " Mother tells Lexa.

"Mom! How you know these people are not killers, or rapers" Lexa yells to her mom.

" When we were going to adopt you , the orphan counselor told us you could lift objects with your mind. You still did since yo were ... like 10"- Mother replies.

"I need to pack" She says to her mom while hugging her.

"Oh! You already had"Minerva says moving a piece of stick. All her belongings are in the transportation. A horse with wings and a bench with wheels attached to his back.

"Mom , I need money" Lexa says hugging her again.

" You have already , your real parents money , is now yours we will talk later about it now say goodbye" Minerva says hurrying her up.

Lexa says goodbye to her mother and flies away.

"Aren't people gonna see us flying?" Lexa asks Minerva

"Muggles? No" Minerva replies
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Thanks to the person who reported the story... I deleted the characters presentation