A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 10: Lies

“You were right Harry” Lexa affirms

“I have a secret admirer called Mr.D, who might it be?” She asks

“Dumbledore” Harry says laughing. Lexa gross out. Harry laughs louder.

Lexa has a flashback, Cedric Diggory.

“I know who it might be” she says disappointed

“Who?” Harry asks

“Leave that to me” she says

“Draco Malfoy?” Harry asks

Lexa didn’t though of that one before. It could be anyways, he saved Lexa from the vampire jerk, from Diggory.

“Maybe” she says to Harry

Parvati is passing flyers around the school.

“You still have Dumbledore as your admirer” Harry says laughing

“Dumbledore fancies you?” she says confused while she hand both a flyer. Harry and Lexa laughs.

“No, it’s a joke, thanks for joining our conversation Parvati” Harry says sarcastic

“I’m sorry” Parvati says ashamed in and Indian accent and goes away.

“It’s ok Parvati, nice meeting you” Lexa says

“You are too nice” Harry says worried

“I know! I’ll have to be meaner or I’ll get kicked out of Slytherin” she says laughing. Lexa reads the flyer.

Quidditch Competition
All Houses must compete, only one will win.
Prize: All persons in the winning house must decide for a wish to be conceived, any.
Date: Teams may start practicing, the date is a surprise

“What’s Quedech?” Lexa says curious

“Quidditch” Harry corrects

“It’s a sport… a magical one. With brooms and balls, and teams” Harry explains badly. Lexa rises one of her eyebrows, then laughs. He laughs too

“You can join Slytherin team, if they are recruiting of course” Harry says

“Who else I know is on a team?” she asks curious.

“Draco Malfoy and me” he says

‘That’s nice” she says back

“Lexa, we are late, very late” Galya says excited

Lexa runs away with Galya.

A month has passed and Lexa had received tons of gifts. Flowers, sweets, jewelry and a cat. She stills wonder around Galya and Harry who Mr.D might be.


Galya’s date with Ron went great. They had another date a week ago. They are becoming real good friends. Hermione stills talk to Harry and Ron, yet she hangs out with Cedric more. Lexa has decided to search who her parents may be. She is hunting in the Forbidden Forest.

“Lexa” she hears

She looks around. She can’t see anybody, it’s too dark. She keeps drinking.

“Lexa is that you” she hears again

“Who’s there?” she says defensive

“You have forgotten me” she hears. The voice is too near her.

“Edward” she hears as a soft blow in her left ear.

“I don’t know any Edward” she says madly walking away

He stops her grabbing her by her waist. She takes her wand out of her pocket and threats Edward.

“Are you the person sending gifts to me” She asks angrily
“No” he says softly

She runs away as fast as she can. She is really fast, but she knows Edward is faster. She slows down when she gets near Hogwarts door. Running and looking back she trips with Draco Malfoy and some bells.

“Are you ok?” Draco asks worried

Lexa hugs him and starts crying. He hugs her back, and rubs her head softly. She sobs. He takes her chin softly with his hand to calm her down. He stares at her amazed, frightened.

“Who did this to you?” Draco says angrily and scared at the same time.

Lexa realized she didn’t clean her mouth when she finished her dinner. She covers her mouth with both hands. She looks back, Edward is walking slowly trough the door. A hundred of excuses passed trough Lexa’s mind. If she said she was a vampire, he might freak out and go away for ever, he might tell the whole school. Then the whole school might freak out, even Galya.

“Cedric hit me” she says loud and victimized

Harry was driven in by the sound of bells. He just heard the “Hit me” part. He runs towards her.

“What’s going on Lexa?” Harry asks worried. She is crying under Draco’s arms.

“None of your business” Draco says to Harry

“What happened?” Harry screams angrily at Draco

“Cedric hit me” Lexa repeats

Cedric is amazed at such lies. He looks angrily at Lexa, she smirks.
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The other part coming soon. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT!