A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 11: Parents

Harry goes out to confront Cedric. Draco stays with Lexa. Harry lost track of him.

“Coward” he screams

“Thanks so much for your help Draco” she says
“I need to talk with Harry now” she adds

Draco hugs her and goes away not happy. He looks back a few times, but Lexa does not talk until he is completely gone. Harry hands her a napkin. Lexa knows if she cleans her mouth there would be not a single scratch.

“Are you ok? Want me to take you to the nursery?” He asks

“There is no option” She murmurs almost not even talking. She takes the napkin and cleans her mouth

“I have something to confess to you, I have not even tell Galya” she says serious

Cedric appears in that moment.

“Don’t say nothing” he says

“Look who finally shows up” Harry says toward him.

“Don’t Harry!” Lexa says in vain. They are already fighting.

Lexa tries to stop them with her human strength but is impossible. She uses her real strength and grabs Edward by his neck.

“I am a vampire” she screams looking at Harry

Harry looks amazed.

“He did not hit me, I tried to bite him” Lexa lies
“You are free to go” she says to Cedric

Cedric goes away.

“I am a vampire” she says crying

“Please don’t go.” She begs Harry

“I won’t go anywhere” he says

“Don’t tell anyone” She begs again

“I won’t tell anyone” Harry says

Harry hugs her. She goes away. On the middle of the corridor she turns back to Harry again.

“I need help finding my parents” Lexa says

“Go to Dumbledore” Harry says

“What if he kisses me” she says smiling. Harry laughs. She turns back and goes to his office

“Can I come in” she asks

“Enter” Dumbledore says

“I was wondering if you knew my real parents name” she asks Dumbledore

“I am afraid you were going to ask that someday” Dumbledore says sad

“Is there something wrong?” Lexa asks

“No, I just knew you will ask. Your mother was a vampire, her name is Esme Ann Evenson and your fathers name is” he hesitated “Tom Marvolo Ridlle” he adds

“Thanks so much” she says running away
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Spooky huh? KEEP READING!