A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 12: Plans of Hope

“Harry I have to talk to you” Lexa says excited

“I know my parents names” she says jumping around

“And you promised me to help on the search” she adds squishing his cheeks with her hands, like a baby. Harry quickly takes her hands out of his cheeks in discomfort.

“Fine! Who are they” Harry asks smiling

“My mommy is a vampire named Esme Ann Evenson” she says in a baby voice.

“Good, very good” Harry says waiting for the father’s name

“And…. My daddy’s name is Tom Marvolo Riddle” she says squashing her own cheeks with her hand palms. Harry’s smile turned into a serious face.

“Why aren’t you smiling?” she says

“Do you know who he is?” Harry says extremely worried

“My daddy” she murmurs

“Voldemort” he whispers

“Who?” she asks

Harry covers his face with his hand as ashamed. His hand ends up in his chin, holding his face.

“You do know I am an orphan, right?” he asks. She agrees with her head

“How do I say this…” he says thinking

“Just say it as it is!” she says worried. Harry takes a deep breath.

“To resume, He was in Slytherin as you are. He was always too much ambitious. There was a prophecy which tells a baby was born to destroy him so he decided to destroy the baby before the baby grew up to destroy him. Are you getting it?” Harry says without breathing

“Think so” she says amazed

“Tom Marvolo Riddle created an anagram for him, I am Lord Voldemort. That’s why the name. He killed my parents and tried to kill me” he says slowly

“My dad?” she says almost crying
Harry agrees with his head and a blank expression on his face. There was silence for a moment.

“I want to meet him anyways” she says firmly

“He is dangerous, I won’t let you” Harry says aggressively

“Is not up to you! Tell me where I can find him” She yells at Harry

“It’s almost Christmas, you will have to go back to New York” Harry says pissed off

“I am not going anywhere until I talk to my dad” Lexa says

“Good luck living in Hogwarts till you die, in your case, living in Hogwarts for eternity” Harry says standing up and leaving.

Lexa runs to Draco.

“I need you to find my dad” she says aggressively

“Speak” Draco says. Lexa is thinking in the name Harry said before leaving.

“Find me …” she closes her eyes thinking hard.
“Voldemort” she adds

“You dad is Voldemort!” Draco says whispering, looking everywhere as not to be heard.

“Shut up and find him. I know your dad is powerful enough to find him” Lexa says in a monotone voice

“I am sorry Lexa I can’t” he says

“Fuck you” she yells running away. She hits full speed when near the Forbidden Forest. She is so angry she needs to hunt something. She is relaxing drinking bloodless a deer.

“Chill” she hears annoying voice

“Would you fucking leave me alone? I am not in the mood” she says angrily

“Somebody has a temper today” Edward says mocking her

“I am serious go away!” she says crying

Edward gets near her. She stands up and he clears the blood from her mouth and the tears from her eyes. She lets herself flow with the situation. He smiles. She waves her face away from him pissed off.
“Hermione already bored you?” she asks sarcastically

“She is just a friend” he says

“And I am a virgin” she says

“Why are you so angry?” he asks Lexa

“Why am I angry? Maybe because nobody wants to find fucking Voldemort for me” she says extremely pissed off now.

“Why do you want that freak?” he asks confused

“That freak happens to be my father” Lexa says stressed

He hugs her. She sits on the grass and he follows.

“It’s almost Christmas” he says

“Don’t start with same shit” she says angrily again

“What I mean is, if you want to find dangerous man you’ll need help, and a plan” he says ignoring her filthy language.

“Would you?” she asks smiling, hugging him.

“We will need a perfect plan. Why don’t you spend Christmas with my family at Washington?” he says joyful

“You live in Washington?” she asks amazed

“There are tons of stuff you don’t know about me” Edward says smiling

“Amaze me” she says daring

He laughs. She gets in top of him. He laughs louder. She kisses him and goes away.
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