A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 13: Deception

Lexa enters her room to find it full of flowers, her favorite ones, orchids. Of all colors and everywhere she looks. She sits on her bed and “D” how she called her cat, sits on her lap. She pets him on his head and he purrs.

“Can you believe it?” Galya asks. Lexa smiles.

“He wants to meet you” Galya says.

Lexa stands up in a second. Galya is reading a letter from Mr.D

“Give me that you stalker” she says laughing

Dear Lexa Verasmi:

In these past months I’ve been pampering you with gifts. But I am not receiving happiness back. Indeed you are now ignoring me. I have decided that I will be waiting for you at Honeydukes this Saturday at 9:00 am. If you come, I know you are interested in knowing me and you are not ignoring me on purpose. If you don’t come you will not hear or receive nothing more of me.


“I have a date” Lexa says

“That is so nice” Galya replies

Lexa throws in the floor all the orchid petals on her bed to go to sleep. Galya turns all candles off. Lexa is too exited to sleep. She is petting D while she thinks

// Would it be Diggory? I hope so… I don’t want it to be nobody else…// she thinks over and over again till she falls asleep.

“Wake up Lexa” Galya says in sweet tone to wake her up.

“Not yet” Lexa murmurs

“You have to get ready for your date” she replies

“What time is it?” Lexa asks wiping her eyes

“7:32 am” Galya says

In that same instant Lexa jumps out of bed to get ready. Galya laughs. Lexa runs to the bathroom as quick as it would not make Galya suspect she is a vampire. She brushes her teeth with calm, and then rushes to the bathtub. She tries not to hurry to be impeccable clean but she hurries a little to be early at Honeydukes. Since its Saturday she doesn’t have to wear her uniform, so while she is covering herself with the towel around her body she searches trough her clothing. She picks out a brown polka dots and beige background blouse with a leather jacket on top. A white lace short skirt with black stockings and classic black and white women spat boots. She did a ponytail on her hair and decorated her ears with pearls.

“Who do I look?” Lexa asks Galya. Galya open her mouth

“You look stunning” she says

Lexa says bye to Galya and walk away. She runs as a vampire when nobody is around and stops when she could be seen. It’s already 8:57am and she is near Honeydukes. She calms herself and looks her reflection in a window.

At Hogwarts, all teams are requested by Dumbledore to a reunion. Dumbledore patiently wait for every team to sit and calm to talk.

“Good morning everybody. You may be wondering why such early reunion. Well, I had decided to discuss a few doubts that a lot of students have about the competition…” Dumbledore says

“I am sorry to interrupt but I had plans and I am late for them” he says

“Sorry young man, this would only take fifteen minutes, I promise” Dumbledore says smiling at him. He rolls his eyes.

9:13 am, Lexa is waiting in front of Honeydukes. 9:40 am, 10.15 am
Lexa is extremely upset. She decides to make a note. She take a paper out of her bag and writes

“Thanks for making me wait and hour in vain, if this was a joke… is not funny”

She leaves. Four minutes later he arrives, running. He finds the note in a barrel in front of the store. Hesitates for a moment and goes back to Hogwarts.
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I promise next chapter will reveal the name of Mr.D .... right now COMMENT let me know what you think. Be honest! Don't be shy!