A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 16: Mother?

In Edward’s room Lexa is talking to him.

“You know is silly that your mom has the same name of my mom, Esme” she says to Edward

“May she is your mom” Edward replies as a joke

“Only if her complete name was Esme Ann Evenson” she says laughing out loud. His smile fades into a serious one. Lexa gets confused.

“That is her real name” he says

“Ha ha, very funny” she replies sarcastic

“I am serious!” he says. Lexa gets out of the room downstairs; the family is watching a baseball game.

“Esme what is your real name” she demands an answer. Esme smiles softly and stands next to her.

“Esme Ann Evenson” she says smiling, a little confused. Lexa goes blank, staring at Esme like she was a ghost. Edward is going downstairs when she faints. He catches her before she hits the floor.

“What I did wrong?” Esme asks

“You are her mother” Edward says

Seconds later Lexa wakes up in the white sofa of the living room. Esme is next to her, they are both alone in the house.

“How can I be your mother, I only had one baby and he died. It was a boy anyways” she says confused

“I don’t know. Dumbledore knew my parents and he mention your name as my mother” Lexa replies

“Dumbledore... Albus Dumbledore?” she asks. Lexa moves her head in agreement. Esme takes a deep breath.

“Before I married Carlisle, when I was human, I married. He was such handsome, a gentleman, smart and funny, then he turned bitter and aggressive. He started to abuse me mentally and physically until one day he raped me. I couldn’t bare it anymore and I ran away. When I realized I was pregnant my life change, the my baby boy died.” She narrated

“How you know Dumbledore?” Lexa asks

“He tried to convince me once that Tom was a bad man, but I didn’t listen” Esme says. Lexa starts crying

“Strange enough, you sleep, don’t sparkle, cry and faint” Esme says laughing

“You don’t?” Lexa says sobbing

“If we did, I would be crying since you fainted” Esme says smiling sweetly

“So, my dad is Tom Marvolo Riddle?” she says

“The good part is that I am your mom” Esme says optimistic. They hug. Lexa gets confused again.

“Hold on! I was born a vampire, when you gave birth to me you were not a vampire” Lexa says confused

“You are right! You will have to ask your dad then” Esme says sad

“Hey don’t get upset, you were my 5 minute mom” she replies smiling

“It was fun while it lasted” Esme replies

“You can pretend to be my mother anyways” Lexa offers to Esme

“I had always wanted a baby boy to take care of, but a teenager girl is not bad” Esme says hugging her back. They hug for a minute.

“Well I need to go and finish unpacking, mom” Lexa says

“Want me to help, daughter” she says smiling wide

“No, thanks mom” Lexa says going alone to Edwards room.

Half an hour later Edward appears in his room.

“So, are you my sister or not?” he asks

“I guess I can say yes” she says smiling
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