A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 18: Mysterious ***

“Have you talked with Lexa?” Draco asks Harry in a corridor

“No, I haven’t seen her since we came back here” Harry responds

“You mean you haven’t seen her in two weeks and you are not worried?” Draco asks Harry desperate. In that moment Ron joins the conversation with a newspaper in hand.

“Look Harry. They have found a few corpses lying around Diagon Alley” Ron says worried.

“What with it!” Draco yells to Ron

“Maybe she is in trouble” Ron says

“Where’s Lexa?” Cedric asks Harry

“We don’t know!” Draco says

“Why are you asking?” Ron asks Cedric

“I haven’t seen her in a while” Cedric says worried

“Ron thinks she is involved in this” Harry hand Cedric Ron’s newspaper


Yesterday three corpses were found hidden in Diagon Alley. Kate Smith, Willian Romble and Ulises Torres were killed by an animal a week ago. Marks were found in their necks or wrist….

“When did she tell you guys?” Cedric asks all of them. Ron and Draco look at each other confused.

“You know she…” Harry says to Cedric

“I know” he replies.

“Sorry, we have to go. We will tell you if we find her” Cedric says pulling Harry with him.

“She spent Christmas with me, she wanted to find her dad and she wanted me to help. I said it was dangerous and I was not going to help her. I didn’t thought she would go alone” Cedric says to Harry

“She did what?” Harry asks Cedric confused

“I never thought she would dare to go alone to find him” Cedric says angry

“She spent Christmas with you! Why?” Harry says

“That is not important right now. She is not controlling herself. I think… I know she killed those humans” Cedric says

“We need to find her” Harry says to Cedric. He agrees.

They start searching for her in Diagon Alley, Cedric covering north and Harry covering south. Is very late already. Harry decides to enter a dark street to reach for her, but he finds nothing. When he is about to get out, something pulls him back.

“Do not scream” Lexa says

“Are you crazy! We’ve been looking for you” Harry whispers.

“I know, is funny leaving track of me in circles, Edward looks so stupid” Lexa says laughing

“Who is Edward?” Harry asks confused

“Never mind. Stop searching for me, I’m not going back until I find my dad” Lexa says

“In Diagon Alley?” Harry asks

“I am searching for clues. He was seen in Spinner’s End, tomorrow I am going there” She says

“What your doing is very dangerous” Harry says

“You know what is dangerous?” Lexa asks Harry

“What?” Harry replies. Lexa French kisses Harry. Lexa laughs.

“You are insane” Harry says serious. Lexa kisses him again, this time Harry follows. Lexa gets her hand inside Harry’s pants.

“What the bloody hell are you doing?” Harry asks Lexa confused. Lexa smirk can be seen in the moonlight

“I think I fancy you” Lexa says in a British accent. Harry kisses her back. When Harry is letting Lexa in control of the situation, she starts to kiss his neck. Then she gives him a hicky. Lexa stops for a moment. She looks at Harry, smells his neck intensely closing her eyes at the same time. Harry notices and tries to go away, but it’s too late. Lexa is biting his neck, sucking his blood out. Harry starts to scream but Lexa covers his mouth. Lexa looks at Harry’s pain and stops.

“ I am so sorry” she says running away. When she is almost out of the street she trips with somebody. He holds her tight.

“Let me go!” she says. He forces her face to look at Harry.

“Look what you have done!” Edward yells at Lexa. She starts to cry.

“You have to control yourself, now take the venom out” he says

“Are you out of your mind? I just bit him” Lexa says crying

“And you are going to bite him again to take the venom out” He says, forcing her to walk near Harry. He is in pain, trying not to scream so people don’t punish Lexa.

“Do it” Edward yells angrily at Lexa. She denies with her head, scared and crying.

Edward rubs Lexa’s check softly.

“I Trust in you” Edward says to Lexa. Lexa looks at Harry and bites him again, this time to get the venom out. When she is done she runs away, living Harry and Cedric alone.

Back in school Draco and Ron are waiting for Cedric and Harry.

“You found her?” Draco asks Harry

“He did, but she stabbed him with a knife. She is not returning back” Cedric says helping Harry to walk. Ron takes Harry and helps him to the nursery room.

“I think this is my fault” Draco says to Cedric

“No, it’s my fault” Cedric replies

“No, it’s my fault. I was flirting with her as a secret admirer. I couldn’t meet with her when I finally decided to have a date with her. I tried to tell her, but now she hates me” Draco says feeling guilty. Edward is about to start a fight with Draco when two owls leave a letter for both of them.

\Tomorrow at 7:00 am. Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin/

“What a coincidence” Cedric says to Draco. Slytherin team comes and take Draco away, Cedric goes to meet with his team.
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