A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 19: Lexa is back

Lexa is searching for her dad at Spinner’s End. She heard in Diagon Alley that Voldemort was constantly visiting this place. She wonders around, carefully looking at each window. Suddenly, somebody puts a wand in her neck.

“What are you searching on with such dedication” Professor Snape says

“I need to say something Voldemort” She says to him. Assuming if he is hiding too, is because he is searching for him too. Snape looks at her for a minute.

“Follow me” he says. Lexa follows him, wondering if he knows where her father is. They enter into a small room.

“This girl wants to say something to you” Snape says to Voldemort

“Who are you?” He asks Lexa

“Lexa Verasmi” She says, scared and anxious.

“Are you in Hogwarts?” Voldemort asks Lexa. She gulps and agrees with her head.

“In which house?” he asks

“Slytherin” She murmurs

“What do you have to say to me?” he asks. Lexa looks at Snape.

“Can we talk alone?” Lexa says scared. Voldemort looks at Snape and he leaves.

“What is that you have to say to me alone” Voldemort says curious.

“I am your daughter” She says firmly. He stars laughing.

“That is impossible” He says laughing.

“ I am! I thought Esme Ann was my mother but she is not” Lexa says

“Esme? She is alive?” Voldemort says

“Yes she is, and married too” Lexa says

“I thought she suicide” Voldemort says

“Well she survived, that is not the point! I am your daughter and I want to know who my mother is” Lexa says firmly

“How am I supposed to know?” Voldemort says
“Tom! I think you are the only one who knows with who you have sex or not” Lexa says angrily. Voldemort laughs.

“Ok, you are my daughter. Same… attitude” He says laughing. Lexa smiles briefly.

“Help me find my mother! I am a vampire, a human and a wizard. I know where I got the wizard part from. Now why Am I a vampire” Lexa says confused

There is silence for a moment. Tom takes a deep breath.

“ Her name was Demitra. I was in love with her. When I met Merope, I never talked to Demitra again. I was completely in love with Merope. Demitra realized what I did, so she killed Merope and I killed Demitra. Then I realized what I felt for Merope was just a potion, and I had killed my true love” Tom says with pain in his voice. Lexa hugs him.

“If you tell somebody I will kill you” Voldemort says to Lexa. She smiles

“What about my dad?” Lexa asks Tom

“He died with Demitra” he replies

“I guess I am an orphan” she says. He agrees with his head. When Lexa is about to go away he takes her by her hand.

“Are you going to see Esme again?” he asks Lexa. Lexa smiles

“I will tell her Tom is sorry for what Voldemort did, ok?” she asks him. He smiles and let her go.

When she gets to school she sees a huge poster made by a student. (Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin) She runs to the Quidditch game and sits where Ron, Harry and Hermione are. Harry looks at her and smiles, Ron and Hermione looks at each other.

“What are you doing here? This is only for Gryffindors, you should go and with with the evil Slyhterins, you fit better there” Hermione says angrily

“I am here to apologize” she says looking at Harry

“Did you found your dad?” Harry asks

“No, I found Voldemort. He knew my dad, but my dad is dead. I am a real orphan” Lexa replies to Harry’s question.

“I am sorry” Harry says

“She tries to kill you and you are asking for her pardon?” Hermione yells to Harry, going away to another bench.

“She is right, I am the one who should be saying sorry eternally” Lexa says with tears above to come out of her eyes.

“There is nothing to forgive. Edward explained everything to me. I guess is hard to be a vampire” Harry says laughing. Lexa laughs, a little surprised and wanting to kill Edward.

“You, your a … vampire” Ron asks Lexa scared

“Yes, don’t worry I won’t kill nobody else” Lexa says smiling wide. Ron looks at her mouth looking for the fangs.

“I don’t have fangs” Lexa says closing her mouth. She goes with the Slytherins to find Galya.

“Your back! I thought you were dead!” Galya says

“Well, I’m here to enjoy the game” Lexa says. Galya gets green paint out of her purse and draws a few lines in Lexa’s face. They start screaming “Slytherin” “Hufflepuff stinks” “Go Draco!” Galya waves her wand to Draco to make him notice Lexa is back. He stops for a minute and smiles, thanking Galya.

Lexa’s cat comes around with a little box in his mouth. Lexa takes it. Inside there is a thin gold necklace with three ruby teardrops. The note only says “From Tom & Demitra”. Lexa smiles.

“Can you help me” Lexa says giving the necklace to Galya.

“Is this from your secret admirer?” she asks

“Hell no! This is from somebody important” Lexa replies

“Who?” Galya asks

“My dad” she murmurs
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I am not going to post next chapter until you tell me who wins! Slytherin or Hufflepuff? COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE