A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 2: Can I bite your neck, Harry Potter

After a long trip Lexa finally arrive to the school. While walking trough a corridor, she looks amazed everywhere, maybe because everywhere looks amazing.

“What I am supposed to do now?” Lexa asks Minerva

“You can go to the Great Hall, to meet with the other students that had already arrived” Minerva says softly

“Wasn’t I supposed to go shopping” Lexa says disappointed.

“Indeed , yes you are, right now I am going to be busy, you may go to the Great Hall and ask somebody to take you” Minerva says at the same time she leaves.

“Great! Now I have to go shopping for I don’t know what, alone”-She thinks
When she is almost entering to the Great Hall … she runs and runs bites a boy in the neck until he’s bloodless // she thinks.

Is that irresistible smell, ten times better the common humans.
Minerva is a wizard too; she did not smells this way. Who is in this room then . She enters just to see who’s there.

“Hi!” says strange boy with British accent says

“Mmm… Hello?” says Lexa trying to control herself

“Oh! Sorry, I thought you were my friend, Hermione, anyways let’s chat” Strange boy says.

“I’m Lexa Verasmi, you are? - Lexa asks

“Harry Potter , nice to meet you” – says in a friendly tone Harry.

“Can I bite your neck? – Lexa murmurs

“What?” Harry asks

Lexa thinks I what to say. “What’s that patch on your … robe”- Lexa randomly asks

“Gryffindor … are you new to all this?- Harry asks with a touch of arrogance in the question.

//Don’t make me bite you!//Lexa thinks
“Yes I am, can you explain me?” – Lexa requests

“Sure! Do you have your equipment already?” – Harry asks

Lexa denies with her head.

“Let’s go to Diagon Alley “ Harry says as Lexa follows

Hermione enters to the Great Hall and sees Harry and Lexa far away. She gets jealous.
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Bella Swan does not exist in my story, because I don't like her at all. And because I say so.