A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 20: The People Who Love you

Everybody starts making victory noises in the Slytherin benches. Draco has the golden snitch in his hand, waving it in victory. The chart ended Hufflepuff 80, Slytherin 90, but that doesn’t matter when Slytherin already won. Everything happened so quick, when Lexa looks around again she is already in the Slytherin House. Everybody is celebrating therefore she decides to go to her room and pack her stuff. When Lexa looks back Draco is there.

“Your back” He says happy. She ignores him and keeps packing.

“Why are you packing?” He asks her. She stills ignoring him. He grabs her arm, demanding an answer.

“I am not back. I just came to pick my stuff” Lexa explains to him. He takes her bag and throws it in the floor. He throws Lexa in the bed then, in top of her, she stares at him kissing her. She slaps him, surprised he moves back.

“What you are in love with that loser, Diggory” He says. She stands up and grabs him by his neck with her vampire strength.

“I don’t love anybody” Lexa says letting him go. As she walks away he grabs her arm again. He hugs Lexa tight and she lets herself fall in the floor, then starts crying. He gets on his knees to hug her.

“Don’t say you love me. Please don’t. I have to go away.” Lexa says sobbing. Draco asks her the reason of her decision. She stands up.

“I am a vampire. I killed those people in the Diagon Alley. I attacked Harry and disappointed Cedric. I don’t want to hurt you too” She explains with her hands on her face. Draco analyzes the information Lexa provided him. He asks her why she doesn’t wants to hurt him. She hugs him passionately.

“Because I love you more then I love myself” She says sweetly

“I also love Cedric” She adds

“You are confused, that’s all” Draco tells her. Later on she kisses him. He drags her to the bed and they start kissing, hugging each other tight. Edward enters the room, searching for Lexa. He takes Draco by his neck and starts fighting with him.

“Stop it! Don’t hurt him! Please” Lexa yells at Edward standing between both of them. They don’t listen to her so she grabs her bag and walks away. Edward leaves Draco and run behind her.

“I am just angry” He says. Lexa asks why.

“You come back and an hour later you fuck Draco” He says angrily.
“We were not fucking! Besides If I fuck him is my problem, there is nothing going between us” Lexa yells at Edward.

“So I guess I don’t need this anymore” Edward says taking a ring out of his pocket and pulverizing it inside his hand. Lexa stares at his hand. Roughly, he passes the ring dust in her face. Lexa gets angry and they start fighting. All this is happening in a corridor, everybody is watching them. Lexa stands up and runs away, slowly like a human. Edward behind her. She stops and turns back.

“Leave me alone. Let me go away, let me die! I don’t want to see you, or Draco or anybody from this hell ever again. I regret the day I fucked you in the Forbidden Forest. I regret the day I fell in love with you! I am going back to new York” Lexa yells to him and goes away. Edward stays frozen in the corridor, everybody looking at him. His good boy reputation broken as his heart. Lexa really hurt him with her words.

She finds herself with Tom again. She explains the situation.

“I want to work with you” She says to Voldemort. He laughs.

“You are going back to Hogwarts and finish your studies Lexa” He says. She pisses off and hits him. Voldemort slaps her back.

“You are not going to work for me. You are not going to be what I am. I don’t want you to sour up and become hated by everybody. You are better then me, don’t ruin this Lexa” Voldemort says hugging Lexa.
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Ohhh... The story is almost coming to an end. So COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! Tell me what you think so far.