A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 21: Roar

Voldemort waves a wand at Lexa and then she is in front of Hogwarts. She sits in her luggage to think.

“What has my life become” She thinks. At the same moment Harry walks trough her.

“Are you feeling alright?” He ask Lexa, she looks away.

“I don’t want to be here anymore” She explains with disappointment in her voice.

“Well you should move back inside” He jokes. She stares serious at Harry but can’t hide her smile. She stands up and he takes her luggage. Walking to her room she never looked at him, he never spoke. Draco and Edward are talking with Galya in her room. Lexa turn back to go away when Harry holds her and peeks into the room.

“Is that why you want to go away? Draco and Edward. Lexa, send them both to hell and be happy” He says.

“That’s the problem! I love them” She yells at Harry. Draco hears the noise and steps outside to see Lexa and Harry. She notices him standing in the door so, she covers Harry’s mouth and pretends to kiss him. She grabs her luggage and faces Draco.

“Thanks Harry I always knew you are the only one who cares about me” She says smiling to Draco. Lexa goes directly to hug Galya.

“What’s wrong with you? You’re going to be with everyone?” Draco asks

“You have to choose Draco or me!” Edward demands. Lexa turns around from hugging Galya and throws one luggage with all her non human strength to Draco and the other one to Edward. Draco falls in the floor aside from Edward, who catches the luggage and throws it back. Lexa protects her face with her arm, breaking the luggage in pieces and letting her clothing everywhere in the room.

“I am not choosing anybody! Is not like choosing a shampoo. I am a girl with feelings, don’t expect me to catch a tiger by his toe. I decided to fuck every man in this school except you both. Draco thanks for the idea” She says sarcastically.

“Too late, you already fucked with me” Edward says.

“Eenie-Minnie- Miny- Moe- Catch a – tiger- by his toe” Lexa sings patiently pointing up towards them with her middle finger in offense.

“Get out of my room” She yells at them in a roar, almost like a black metal singer; pointing the door. They both get out, Draco faster the Edward. Galya closes the door. Subsequently Lexa falls in the floor to cry, Galya next to her comforting Lexa.

“I want to kill them all, it felt so good yelling at them” Lexa tells Galya while wiping her tears off, Galya smiles.

“I’m sorry I’ve been letting you alone all this time” Lexa tells her. Galya blushes.

“Well, I have not been alone” Galya says in an almost British accent. Lexa raises her eyebrow.

“Explain” Lexa demands.

“Me and Ron are …”She says blushing and smiling wide, her cheeks almost breaking in half. Lexa opens her mouth and eyes. They hug.

“Since when?” Lexa asks

“Since you left me alone. He is afraid of you since the murders in Diagon Alley” She confesses to Lexa. Lexa giggles innocently.

“Are you using protection?” Lexa asks Galya

“We are not doing that!” Galya yells shyly. Lexa raises her eyebrow and begins to arrange her clothing in the drawers. Galya helps.

“Well, yes we are protecting” Galya says softly
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