A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 23: Disapearence

Lexa and Galya are finally out of the class room.

“I need to talk to you” Draco says pulling her away from Galya. Lexa hisses at Draco

“Can you please let me focus on my not improving grades? I don’t want more shit in my life” Lexa says calmly going away.

“But is not about us, is about Edward” Draco yells from the distance in the empty corridor.

“Who do you know his real name?” Lexa yells back at him without turning back.

“What are you talking about?” Galya asks Lexa confused.

“Go to the classroom” Lexa says to her but she refuses.

“He is missing” Draco says running near her. In that moment Harry appears from the distance running towards Draco.

“Hermione is missing too” He affirms.

“What if they ran together, eloping” Galya says. Harry, Draco and Lexa stare at her evilly.

“I am sorry Lexa, but what if this is your father’s idea” Harry tells Lexa worried. Galya reaches her head in confusion.

“Tell me everything you are hiding from me Lexa, now!” She demands.

“Not now!” Lexa denies rapidly. Galya grabs Lexa by her neck. Lexa stares at her with a smirk. She takes her hand out of Lexa’s neck.

“If you want to know so bad here I tell you. Cedric’s real name is Edward, we are both vampires and my dad is Voldemort” Lexa growls in a cold tone.

“I am sorry” Galya says running away terrified. Lexa takes places her hands in her face and cries.

“We need to do something, whoever has Edward and Hermione” Harry replies anxiously. Lexa and Draco nod in agreement.

“I can go and talk with my dad, he haves to listen to me” Lexa plans confident.

“No! It’s too dangerous” Draco interrupts.

“Go and cry to your daddy if it’s too dangerous for you” Lexa replies with a mocking voice.
“The only reason why I’m doing this is for you, so appreciate it or I’ll go away” Draco yells angrily at Lexa.

“You are such a Hero!” Lexa acts wiping her tears off then she laughs. Harry takes both of them by their arm and walk away; letting them insult each other on the Voldemort’s way.

“Enough! Lexa go and talk with your dad” Harry demands potentially. Lexa hisses at Draco and walks inside.

“Where is Edward and Hermione!” Lexa yells when she enters and quickly realizes nobody is there.

“Cruccio!” She hears outside. She runs and sees Harry on the floor and Voldemort next to her.

“Cruccio!” She points at Voldemort.

“What are you doing? Where is Hermione and Edward” Lexa demands calmly

“I don’t know! What is he doing here?” Voldemort replies standing from the floor.

“They are with me… Where’s Draco?” Lexa questions out loud.

“He ran away when he saw Voldemort” Harry says standing up too.

“How dare you say my name however you want” Voldemort says pointing his wand at him.

“Stop! Both of you! I’ve never seen two people fighting like this. Don’t you get tired?” Lexa asks them rhetorically.

“What about you and Draco?” Harry asks smiling. Lexa blushes intensely. They stay silent for a moment.

“When did they got kidnapped?” Voldemort asks wondering.

“Yesterday night” Harry answers. Voldemort stares at Lexa.

“I had a discussion with Bellatrix yesterday and haven’t seen her since” Voldemort explains.

“Who’s Bellatrix?” Lexa questions.

“My wife, your step mother” He replies proudly.

“You married her?” Harry asks disgusted.

“Harry” Lexa looks at him.

“Where can we find her” Harry asks Voldemort. He writes down an address and gives it to Harry. He grabs her arm and they walk away.

“Thanks for not killing Harry” Lexa yells at Voldemort from the distance.

“Like he could” Harry murmurs. She laughs and hit his arm. Draco is waiting for them in the corner.

“Here it is” Harry murmurs in front of where Bellatrix is supposed to be.

“This is the plan” Lexa murmurs near Draco.
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I think next chapter is the end. I have a new idea that I want to start writing about quick! I know you will like it. Comment!