A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 24: Ministry of Magic

Like Santa Claus Harry infiltrates into Bellatrix’s apartment to see only Hermione tied up in a chair next to Luna. Hermione notices Harry warning him with her eyes that Bellatrix is in the house.

“Where is Cedric?” Harry mimics with his lips. Hermione raises her eyebrow letting Harry know Cedric is not part of the kidnap. He quickly floats to the ceiling where Draco and Lexa are waiting for his report.

“Lexa, Cedric is not there, he was not kidnapped. Hermione and Luna are there” He informs.

“Luna? Who is Luna?” Lexa questions in a whisper.

“I will tell you later, right now we have to rescue them. We have to act quickly. I am going to guard for her not to appear. Lexa, you have Hermione’s responsibility and Draco in charge of Luna. Harry commands both of them. They agree.

Harry descends from the fireplace again, Draco and Lexa follow. Sleeping Luna wakes up silently when Draco frees her. Lexa tries to break Hermione’s chains but it doesn’t work. A door opens and the fight begins. Harry against Bellatrix and Lexa against Hermione’s chains. Draco and Luna wait for them in the ceiling.

“I never thought you would be friends with Harry” Luna says sweetly.

“Well, I’m not. I was here to rescue you” Draco murmurs in a flirt. Luna blushes.

“I don’t think this is time for that stuff. Harry is fighting the woman” Luna says looking down from the fireplace.

“Stay here” Draco orders Luna to join Harry’s fight.

“Would somebody help me?” Lexa yells biting the chains with all her strength. Draco tries to help her.

“It will never break that way” Luna says softly, waving her wand and turning the chains into sand. She takes Hermione and float to the ceiling. Lexa is about to go with them when Bellatrix takes her. Everybody freezes. Bellatrix wand is tight in Lexa’s neck.

“Avada Kedavra”

Everybody starts wondering around looking for the voice that killed Bellatrix. Lexa runs into Edward arms.

“Where were you all this time?” Lexa asks hugging him tight.

“I was looking for you! Neville told me a woman took Hermione and you. Maybe she confused Luna with you.” Edward explains.

Weeks later at lunch break everybody seems happy. Harry is holding Hermione’s hand and talking to Ron who is hugging Galya. Luna enters the Great Hall skipping around almost dancing while Draco behind her holds her books. Lexa starts drinking from the metallic water bottle Edward hands her while she is talking with Galya.

“Are you serious? How old?” Lexa asks Galya.

“The Doctor said one month” Galya replies. Lexa covers her mouth in surprise.

“Do your parents know?” Lexa asks. Galya looks at Ron and rolls her eyes.

“Hey Daddy! What about Galya’s parents?” Lexa asks Ron.

“They know, they want to kill me but they are fine” Ron replies proudly, smiling at Galya.

“Why are the here?” Hermione says worried.

“Who?” Lexa asks Hermione, searching for gossip.

“The Ministry of Magic. Harry saw them this morning at Dumbledore’s office and now they are sitting next to him” Hermione explains.

“Your attention please” McGonagall says standing up.

“When lunch time is over the students I call will stay here. Cedric Diggory, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Lexa Verasmi, Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger”

The news make everybody murmur. Lexa can hear people “Maybe they have a love fight” “They are going to get punished for something I assure”
Minutes later everybody leaves. McGonagall and the people Harry saw in the morning get close to them.

“You are all going to be sentenced for Bellatrix Lestrange murder” A tall man says

“You don’t get it, it was self-defense” Ron explains.

“Weasley, go to your class now. You are not part of this” McGonagall says. He takes Galya by her hand and leaves.

“Tomorrow at 8:00 am I want you in court” A woman says while they all leave. McGonagall stares at them.

“Dumbledore is very upset at all of you. Specially you Harry, you could have tell him. And about Galya, she is in serious trouble” McGonagall says leaving. The rest of the day everybody stayed quiet.

At dinner time everybody is talking again. “Finally they got Voldemort. They are going to kill him” Lexa hears.

“Who told you that?” Lexa asks the Ravenclaw boy grabbing him by his neck. Edward makes her stop.

“They have my father and they are going to kill him. I can’t permit that. By tomorrow we are all going to jail anyway, so if we kill a few more is not going to hurt” Lexa murmurs madly.

“You didn’t kill Bellatrix, I did. I will prove them and me only will go to jail” Edward says gently.

“So easy right?” Lexa sobs.
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No, this is not the last chapter as I said, but the next one is :(