A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 4: Detention

Finally the day has arrived. September 1 and Lexa’s first class is flying.

“What is this nonsense, who are you young lady?’ Madam Hooch says

“I am Lexa Verasmi” she says confused while everybody laughs.

“Why are you late and why aren’t you wearing your robe?” Madam Hooch asks Lexa in an angry tone.

“I got lost and I did not knew I had to wear the robe everyday” Lexa replies ashamed

“I am sorry, 20 points subtracted from Slytherin” Madam Hooch says

The Quidditch Teams were having a reunion near. Draco heard the lost of points.

“Way to go girl!” says with sarcasm

“It was not my fault” Lexa yells to Draco

“Who was it then, mine?” Draco yells to Lexa back , running near her.

“What you gonna do, hit me?” replies Lexa

“ENOUGH!” Madam Hooch yells to both of them

“Both, detention” Madam Hooch says waving her wand until they are in detention room with Mr. Filch

“I don’t want to hear a single word from anyone, I wall be right back” says Filch

Lexa can hear the clock ticking and ticking. Draco was sitting in front of her.

//What if I bite this psychotic freak bloodless// she thinks

She carefully stands up to bite him, after all she have not have dinner since almost three days. She is close to his neck, his arrogance can’t see her. When she is up to bite, she feel somebody pulling her back.

“Hi! Do I know you?” strange freak says

“Leave me alone! You did not see anything!”-Lexa says scared from head to toes.

Draco looks back. The doors open and a long hair old version of Draco frees him. Now Lexa and the reaper are alone. Lexa is scared.

“Have you ever tasted human blood before?” – Strange tall huffy puffy boy asks
“Are you crazy?” Lexa says confused and defensive.

“If it makes you feel better … I won’t tell” huffy puffy says

“Who are you and what won’t you tell?” Lexa asks

“Cedric Diggory, well call me like that in front of everyone” he says

“Me confused” Lexa says

“My real name is Edward but that is a long story” he says

“Well I’m Lexa, Verasmi” she says
They shake hands. Awkward time of silence. They still shaking hands

“Where are you from?” Edward asks

“Transylvania” Lexa replies as a joke

“Really? And your dad’s name is Dracula?” He asks

They start laughing

“I am starving” Lexa says “I haven’t eaten anything in three days”

“Come on with me, I’ll take you to where dinner is” Cedric says

On the way to the Forbidden Forest they have a conversation, getting to know each other.

“Catch and drink” Cedric says

Lexa start running and 10 minutes later she catches a rabbit. With rabbit in hand she searches for Cedric and finds him sucking out of a deer. She runs and screams
“I knew it. You are a vampire too!”

Edward covers her mouth with his hand. “Sowy , Det me go”- she says

“Beware of where and at what tone you say things” Edward says

“I said sorry already!” she says before drinking her rabbit out. Edward goes back to the deer.

“My rabbit is over, can I have some deer?” Lexa asks

Edward invites her over to the deer. When they finish, Cedric gives her a napkin to clean her mouth.

“Thanks” Lexa says

“Your welcome” he replies

// this is so romantic. And weird at the same time, another vampire in Hogwarts? //she thinks.
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Subscribe! Did I mention I hate Bella? Well shes out ,since Edward doesn't know her in my story. Comment