A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 5: Redhead tutor

Lexa finds herself back in detention. Huffy Puffy Vampire Edward Cedric has left her alone, in that cold room. The clock stills ticking and ticking. She gets extremely bored. She checks the ticking clock to see how many hours had passed.

“7 minutes, I can’t believe this”- she says anxious

She hears people talking outside. While the door opens she hears Mr. Filch says

“Minerva has requested somebody to teach her basic information”

A girl enters to the room.

“Oh no! I’m not going to do this!” Hermione says

“Points may be subtracted from Gryffindor if you refuse” Mr. Filch says

Hermione takes a deep breath and leaves the room. Seconds later she enters again.

“I am only doing this for Gryffindor, not because it pleases me” Hermione says
“What do you want to know?” She adds

“Everything” Lexa replies

“Let’s start from the foundation of this school then. Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff are the four founders. That’s why the names of the houses. Something else you need to know?” She says wanting to run away.

“Yes! Thanks for the vast information. Are you Harry Potter’s girl?” Lexa asks

“I can’t do this! Can I please go?” Hermione says to Mr. Filch

“Fine! If you don’t want to do it I’ll find somebody else” Mr. Filch says

Hermione runs away from the room. Mr. Filch goes outside again. Red Head Gryffindor passes there for his misfortune.

“You are going to do me a favor” Mr. Filch says to redhead

“Who me?” he asks

“Yes you!” Mr. Filch replies while pulling him into the room.
“Help her , I’m going to have lunch” he adds

“Help who!” He screams. When he sees Lexa he stops. With his head he agrees to help her. Mr. Filch rolls his eyes and leaves.

Lexa smile at him. He passes his hand trough his hair.

// Oh God// she thinks

“Hi I am Ron Weasley, you can call me Ron” Ron says

“Hi … Lexa here” she says

“Are you ok, you don’t seem happy” he says while sitting down.

“No I am not, I am here without knowing shit about nothing” she says

“That is weird, considering you are a Slytherin” he says

“What you mean! Draco told me something about pure blood, I am not pure blood, how can I be in Slytherin? I think that old hat is getting coo-coo kachoo” she says hysterically

“Coo-coo kachoo? What’s that?” Ron says confused

“Insane, crazy, nuts, brainless” Lexa explains

“Where are you from?” Ron asks

“New York” She answers

“Are you a muggle?” Ron asks

“What is that? Stop saying weird words!” Lexa says angrily

“Ok coo-coo kachoo girl! A muggle is a person with the ability to do magic, but with not pure blood… witch means both or one of your parents are non-magic humans. Are you the only witch in your family?” he says

“I don’t know I’m adopted. I don’t know my real parents” she says softly, almost sad.

“Don’t worry, Harry is adopted too. Well, he knows who his parents were…”he says and Lexa interrupts

“That’s different! He knows their names, how they looked… I don’t” she says crying

Ron hugs her with compassion. He says comforting words. He gives her a napkin to clean her tears off. She smiles.

“Thanks that was very helpful. I may be in Slytherin and everybody may think I’m obnoxious and mean. But is that they all know why are they here. They all know those crazy muglish words and I am lost. I’m going to need your help” she says
“Whenever you need something, feel free to ask me” Ron says smiling

“I need to make some girlfriends. All my friends here are boy” she says

“Who? If I can know” he asks

“ Ron Weasley from Gryffindor , Cedric Diggory from Hufflepuff , Harry Potter also from Gryffindor … well I would say Hermione Granger but she doesn’t like me, she did not wanted to tutor me, I wonder why” she says

‘Really? That’s weird, she is friendly almost everytime” Ron says

And so the conversation continued. Lexa learned about Hogwarts teachers, classes and a few other stuff more. Mr. Filch enters back to the room.

“You can go now” he says to Ron

“We are having an interesting conversation here” Ron says

“Go!” he yells

“It’s ok, we’ll talk later” Lexa says

Ron leaves.

“When I’m going to leave” Lexa asks Mr. Filch

“In two more hours, when it’s dinner time” Mr. Filch says

Lexa hits herself in her forehead with the table and closes her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is gonna be hot!