A Vampire in Hogwarts

Chapter 6: Is this love

“Time to go” Mr. Filch says
Lexa wake up.

“Great! Hope never too see you again Mr.” Lexa says going away

“Same here” Mr. Filch says

She walks away to the Great Hall. She knew she was late. On her way, when she was almost near, she encounters herself with Cedric/Edward.

“Hi! How’s everything Huffy Puffy?” Lexa says

“Nothing new Slimy” he replies

They both laugh

“Are you going to the Great Hall?” Lexa asks

“No, I am not hungry” he answers

Lexa smiles at him. He smiles back.

“You are really … nice. For being a Slytherin” he says

“What is that supposed to mean? If you want I can be a total jerk to you” she says laughing

“No, I mean … you are nice and beautiful …”he says

“Are you hitting on me?” she says

“Maybe” he says getting close to her. She is in the wall now. She gets close enough to kiss her.

“And did I mention you are a mess” he says softly

“You think?” she says blushing

He agrees with his head. They kiss passionately. He goes to her neck to bite her.

“Silly! I am a vampire too” she says

“That is not reason for me to bite you” he replies

“You won’t dare” She says with a smirk

He takes her hand and puts her on his back. She jumps and rides his back. He runs to the Forbidden Forest. He pushes her to the trunk of a huge tree and bites her neck. She can feel the blood out of her. Is painful but she likes it. He cleans the blood out of his mouth, then out of her neck.

“My turn” she says.

He smiles. She kisses him then slowly takes his rope off. Then she takes out his scarf and the shirt. She kisses his chest a few times and goes lower. She kisses his bellybutton. Then she bites his hip. He gets excited. She stands up again and wipes the blood out of her mouth.

He takes her rope out. Then he takes out her turquoise blue dress…..

At the Great Hall.

“Why don’t you like Lexa” Ron asks Hermione

“Who?” Hermione asks

“You know Lexa?” Harry Potter asks Ron

“Yes, she’s nice” Ron says

“No she’s not! She’s a Slytherin” Hermione says

“Well she’s not a pure blood anyways” Ron says

“And she’s in Slytherin, that’s just impossible” Harry Potter says

“The Sorting Hat never commits mistakes. If she’s in Slytherin is because she is evil, mean, completely out of your league Ron, so don’t even dream about it” Hermione says

“Don’t take it on me. It’s not her fault she’s gorgeous” Ron says

“You are a moron!” Hermione says standing up and leaving

“You did it, you just had to make her angry” Harry says

“She is our friend after all, you can’t leave her because she doesn’t like the girl you fancy” Harry says

“Lexa tried to be her friend, I don’t know why she doesn’t like her!” Ron says frustrated

“Well, she doesn’t have to like everybody. How you met Lexa anyways?” Harry asks

“I was going to the classroom and Mr. Filch stopped me to force me to teach her stuff” Ron says
“We talked a while, like three hours. She seems a very nice girl” Ron adds

“Well I helped her to buy her scholar supplies” Harry says
Ron stands up and leaves
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