Stars Came Down in a Million Showers

Chapter twenty-two


“Gee!” Frank screamed in blind panic when he realised that Gerard was not in the room. There was a nurse by his side trying to calm him but he was too scared. Did he dream it? Had he been dreaming all along? Had one of his father’s beatings actually put him in a coma and he had imagined all of the perfection? He actually managed to convince himself of that fact in those few seconds he had woken up and now he curled slightly to rest his head on his knees. “Where am I?” he mewed.

“It’s OK Frank,” the nurse started, “You are in…”

“It isn’t OK though because he isn’t here,” Frank whined before he looked up to focus on the nurse, “I know I am in hospital thanks. I mean, which bit and what’s happening to me?”

“Calm down Frank,” she said as she stroked his arm, “we needed to operate on you and this is recovery. Nobody is allowed in here in case of any problems. You will go back to the ward soon and your mother will be there. She has been very worried about you and will be eager to see you.”

Just her? Frank could have cried right then as he realised that it might well have been a dream. “Thanks,” he muttered dully.

She smiled and fiddled with some equipment before returning her sapphire blue eyes to his, “you are ready to go now, I hope you recover quickly,” a porter appeared from nowhere and began to push the bed away, “bye Frank.”

How do you recover when all you want happened in a dream? Frank asked himself this as he watched the ceiling light go past over his head as he was pushed back to the ward. He didn’t speak to the porter and the porter didn’t attempt to talk to him. On the return to the ward his mother came up and threw her arms around him. Frank glanced behind her but nobody else was there. He sighed heavily and then forced a smile before hugging her back, “hi Mum,” the bed was pushed to the edge of the room and locked into place.

“I never know what to bring to these places so I brought you some fruit. I did have some chocolate too but when you were in the theatre I got nervous and ate it,” she pointed to some wrappers on the small beside tale. Frank couldn’t help but laugh at that because it was just so typical of his mother to have done that and then admitted to it, “sorry about that but, do you want a drink?”

Linda had poured some water and handed him the cup before he replied, “what’s going on? Why did they operate and where’s…”

“We will talk it all through in the morning baby. I have had anaesthetic before now and know that you might forget everything I tell you know,” she watched him drink the water, “you need to sleep it off and then it will all seem better in the morning you will see.”

“My wish never worked,” Frank whined softly.


“On that falling star, do you remember?” she looked at him blankly and he realised he had even imagined that, “yeah, well, I never did believe in miracles,” he said as he gave a hollow laugh.

“Just sleep now,” his mother said as she took his cup and tucked the sheet round him, “we will talk tomorrow,” she stroked her son’s hair until he fell asleep.
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I am going into hospital Monday until about Thursday... so no update for a while... sorry!