Status: Story Completed. =)

Finding Her Time

Chapter 9

“It looks like it’s going to storm again,” Helen was sitting in the window seat, staring at the sky, “It’s awfully dark out there. I pray that Eliza returns hastily from the Robinsons.”

Claire was trying her hand at embroidery, “It does look very bleak, doesn’t it?”

Sophia, who was sitting in front of the hearth playing with her brother’s sheep dog, said, “It’s like it was two weeks ago when you first arrived in our house, Miss Claire. It’s like that night when you first met Brother.”

“And here is Brother now,” Helen said cheerfully as James’s silhouette appeared from the dark. He walked over the threshold and appeared in the drawing room.

He set his hat down on the nearest table and entered. The three present ladies muttered hellos to him. He said nothing but only looked at Claire nervously. After a moment or two, he said to Helen, “Could you take Sophia up to her room and prepare her for supper? I need to speak a word with Miss Silver.”

Helen bit her lip to hide her smile. She grabbed Sophia’s hand gently and said, “Yes, of course, my brother.”

The only two left in the room were Claire and Mr. Marshall. Claire set aside her embroidery and sat with her hands folded in her lap as she had seen Helen do when she wanted to give someone her full attention. Mr. Marshall crossed to the chair across from hers and sat down. Knowing it was proper for the gentleman to speak first, Claire waited. When he said nothing, she decided to take it upon herself to begin the conversation.

“You look troubled, Mr. Marshall. Is something wrong? May I assist you in any way?”

“Were you planning on leaving?” he blurted out.

Claire’s eyes widened and her heart panged slightly, “Do you wish me to leave?”

Of course, she realized, she was intruding on the family. She was beyond recovering from her injuries in the last storm. By this time, as her stories had told, most guests would have left and gone their separate ways. Mr. Marshall was politely inquiring as to when she would take her leave. Oh, but she was an idiot.

“No,” James said roughly. He closed his eyes reworded his thoughts, “What I mean is, I had an impression that you wanted to leave to return to your family.”

She was giving her feelings away too easily, Claire realized as she recomposed her face. He didn’t need to know she was embarrassed for her intrusion on their hospitality. Carefully,
Claire responded, “I did want to see my family, but…”

“I understand,” Mr. Marshall interrupted, “You must return to your family, you’ve been with strangers long enough. It’s alright.”

It’s final. He wants me to leave, Claire realized, he’s had enough of me and is kindly trying to send me home.

“I’ll leave as soon as I am able,” Claire bowed her head, “I thank you for your hospitality. I’m in your debt.”

She left the room. James watched her leave the room and wanted chase after her. He sat back in the chair. Stupid Fool! He blamed himself. He wanted to ask Miss Silver to stay with him and his sisters. He enjoyed her company. He liked her; and he was going to ask her to marry him. Blast it all! He was afraid to say anything and now she was leaving.


Helen returned to the family room shortly after Claire started out for her return home. She was surprised to see her brother staring out the window with his hands folded behind his
back. Curiously, Helen moved to stand by his side.

“May I inquire as to your behavior?” She asked politely.

“I was just pondering if this was the right weather to allow Miss Silver to leave in,” James frowned, “I ought to have let her use our carriage.”

Helen’s frown rivaled her brother’s in depth of disproval, “You ought to have not let her go.”

The tone of Helen’s words were so like her, disproving as always, but her words were much less like her and more like Eliza. “Excuse me?” Mr. Marshall turned to give his older sister an inquiring glance.

“No, excuse me,” Miss Marshall replied, “I was under the impression that you were taken with Miss Silver.”

“I was,” he answered honestly with a bit of surprise, “I mean, I still am.”

“Then why’d you let her leave?” Helen implored.

“She wanted to leave, so she could return to her family. Don’t fret, Helen. I doubt you’ve lost the acquaintance. She will write to you three, I am sure. And perhaps she’ll visit again.”

“Do you think it will be possible for her to write us letters from where she’s from?” Helen pointed out as she turned and fixed pillows on the couch.

“I’m sure she will be…” Mr. Marshall pondered her meaning. “Wait, you don’t mean to tell me, you believe her stories do you?”

“Don’t you?” Helen paused her work and answered his question with her own.

Mr. Marshall stuttered an answer out, “I suppose. I’m not entirely positive as to what I’m supposed to believe.”

“Well, I for one believe her story, which is a lot, coming from me. And suppose it is to be true, who is to say whether she’ll be able to return to us.” Helen put her hands to her hips and stood in her all-knowing way.

Mr. Marshall squirmed uncomfortably in his elder sister’s presence. He may have been the master of the house, but Helen was the mistress of the family. Innocently, he blurted out, “What do you suggest I do then, dear Sister?”

“I suggest you learn how to court a woman properly. Stop her from leaving while you still can. You’ve heard of Eliza’s nonsense love stories. There’s always a romantic hero. Be the hero. Be the romantic. For my sake, Brother, go after Miss Silver before you lose your chance with her.” Helen cried out passionately which was nothing like her. Had Eliza made the speech, James would have been more prepared for it.

“Alright,” Mr. Marshall concluded, “I’ll go. But my dear Helen, please make an effort to remain in character. Your sudden alter of personality into Eliza is startling and quite frankly terrifying.”

Helen satisfied that Mr. Marshall had called on his butler to fetch his riding cloak and was preparing to leave, walked over and pecked her brother on the cheek affectionately. “Just humble yourself with this; had Eliza started to act like me, the end of time would have come upon us.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I think I may be done for the evening, but this was a good piece of the story. Part 1 is nearly finished and part 2 is coming soon. Please comment and rate and subscribe and do a happy dance. Good night, everyone.