Status: Finished//ContestEntry

Love Is Like a Glass Splinter

In Lafayette, Indiana

The average human being falls in love once in their lifetime. Once, a single person and that's if their lucky. Me? I was one of those lucky people, even luckier then most people because I didn't fall in love once, I fell in love numerous times.

The first time I fell in love was when I was a young boy. I was no more then five years old. My home wasn't a very good one, with an abusive stepfather and no real person to call my mother. School wasn't a getaway either; instead it was probably worse then home with those people they thought were actually fit to teach! So I took to the church, I took to God and the church choir. Sundays were the highlight of my week where I was free to go to church and just sing all day even though at times I was forced to go. So in all truth God was my first love, and in a way he still is my love. He’s the one person that I could always depend on. Sure there were times in life where I told God to fuck off and just leave me alone but what relationship doesn’t have a few speed bumps?

I fell in love again at the age of fifteen but not with God. This time I fell in love with music. It started out with the Beatles and Rolling Stones but eventually I heard Led Zeppelin and their hit D’yer Mak’er in 1973. From then it didn’t take me long to get into other bands. Black Sabbath, KISS, the Blue Oysters Cult and of course, AC/DC. Music wasn’t just something nice to listen to. It wasn’t just another thing that I could pass the time with. To me it was a lot more; I had been taking piano since the age of seven but I couldn’t DO anything with it. You know? I mean I couldn’t combine the piano with Dream On by Aerosmith or something like that. But when I heard the piano on Piano man by Billy Joel. It, it made me want to do something, it made me want to find a way to combine the two, in a new different way. From that moment on music wasn’t just a lifestyle to me, it was a lover.

I fell in love again exactly a year later at the age of 16 it was 1978 and this time it wasn’t with a inanimate object, it wasn’t with music or God it was with a human being, and that person’s name was Jeffrey Dean Isbell or better known as Izzy Stradlin. He was from Lafayette like me. Sure we hung out a little bit at school here and there but that was about it. I never really got to know Izzy until after I had been thrown out of my house for refusing to cut my hair. Shortly after that I dropped out of school. I wasn’t getting anywhere in that school and plus when the hell would I ever need to know about plants in life?! It was then I started hanging with Izzy a whole lot. He’s actually the one that introduced me to Aerosmith, no not them personally but their music. I owe Izzy a lot, sure I never
admitted it in the latter years but I owe Izzy a lot more than people think I do.

A few months after I met Izzy though, after he graduated he planned to leave Lafayette and go to LA, to just try and make it big. I left a little bit after that, and after that was when I truly lost my heart, in Los Angeles on the Sunset Strip.
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This story is going to consume me for a short time, until its done, then I'll start updating again =)