Heaven Help Us

And All The Wounds That Are Ever Gonna Scar Me

“Does one of you want to go to the hospital with her?” asked the ambulance driver.

Mikey and I looked at each other. I nodded to him without speaking.

“You sure?” Mikey asked.

I just nodded again as teas ran down my face. I gave him a hug and told him I’d meet him there. As the ambulance drove of I fell to my knees and sobbed. Ray, Bob and Frank rushed over to me.

“Gerard, everything will be fine.” said frank trying to calm me down.

“Come on, well head there now.” said Bob.

We all got into the car, Bob drove. The journey there only took us 25 minutes, but it felt a lot longer. The whole way there all I could do was think about was scarlet. I know that we are only friends, but deep down inside I knew I felt more for her. Ever since we kissed I’ve felt different. I love her. And I now I felt sick with fear of losing her. If I lost her I would break, I couldn’t live knowing that she wouldn’t be there when I woke up every morning.

When we finally got to the hospital, we rushed to the reception. Ray asked where scarlet was. The receptionist said she was in intensive care. As soon as I had heard that sentence I broke down. I fell to the floor. Sobbing. Tears streaming down my face.. Frank came over to me and held be.

“She’s going to be okay, isn’t she?” I screamed with my head in his arms.

“Ssh.” he whispered. “she’ll be fine. They are going to help her.”

“Gerard!” Mikey yelled in hysterics as he ran over to us.

“Mikey, is she okay?” I asked.

“the doctors said that she’s really weak at the minute. She needs a lot of help to breathe for a while. One of her lungs collapsed.” he said quietly.

“is that all?”

“no.” he said disappointed. “some of her bones are broke, her cheek and lip was burst open. that’s all I know for now.” he cried.

All I could do was hug him tightly.

“when are we allowed to go see her.?” I asked.

“in an hour or so when she’s more stable.” he replied softly.

For the next 2 or 3 hours, me and the other guys waited. Hardly anyone spoke a word. The only noises that came from us most of the time had been tears. I had started to get really tired from all the chaos and I guess it had finally got too much for me.

After a while I felt someone tapping my shoulder and whispering.

“gee, wake up.” said Mikey. “the doctor said we can go see her now.”

I yawned and leaned up off of Mikey’s shoulder.

“where about is she?” asked frank.

“the doctor said to head to ward B and then ask the receptionist down there.” replied Mikey.

We all walked down to ward B in silence. I stared at the ground as I walked. I really hate hospitals. The smell, the sound, the look. Death.

After walking for what seemed like ages, we finally got to the ward.

“excuse me, can you tell us where scarlet Simmons is?” Mikey asked a nurse politely.

“I’ll show you now.” she replied smiling.

She lead us to a small room. As we entered, I saw scarlet just lying there. Sleeping and broken.

I walked over to her side and stroked her face. She was covered in bandages and plasters. Her whole face was bruised and swollen. Her right arm was in a cast and her other had bandages around the wrist. Her chest was wrapped up in thick bandages and her ankle was also bandaged. To make things worse she also had tubes going in and out of her mouth and nose. But even though with all this, she was still beautiful. She looked so hurt, but yet so calm as she slept. I slowly leaned down and kissed her cheek.
“I love you scar.” I whispered into her ear.

Mikey came over to her after a while of just sitting on a chair in the corner in silence. He kneeled down beside her bed and talked to her as if she was replying.

I felt so bad for him. Scar was his best friend, like brother and sister. Scar me and Mikey were just like family. I loved them both so much. If I ever lost them, I wouldn’t be able to survive.

Me and Mikey sat at each side of scarlet’s bed for the next hour or so. Frank, bob and Ray had left to get food. Me and mikey weren’t hungry. Thtats why we didn’t go. After a while mikey had fell asleep. I found a piece of paper and a pen off one of the nurses.

I drew a picture of scarlet lying on a hosptial bed, but instead of having cuts and bruises the drawing had nothing. She looked perfect, she had wings. She was an angel.
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Hope you like it
update soon