Heaven Help Us

A Life Long Wait For A Hospital Stay

Time elapse


I heard Gerard whisper as he taped my shoulder to wake me up.

“WAKE UP!” screamed a happy Mikey.

I opened my eyes and yawned, only to be grabbed by Mikey and pulled into a tight hug.

“Im so glad your coming home today.” he giggled.

“come on Mikey, we’ll let scarlet get dressed.” said Gerard. He winked at me playfully. “we’ll get you something to eat before mum and dad comes. Is that ok.?” he asked.

“yea, that’s fine thanks.” I replied winking back

I got changed into some clean clothes that Mikey and Gerard had brought me. I put on my iron maiden tee, misfits hoody, red skinny jeans and a black scarf. It had started to get really cold out side as it was heading into winter, so I thought id be safe and keep warm.

Mikey and Gerard soon returned with coffee for each of us and a egg and cheese toasty for me. We sat in my room and ate it until Donna had came in to get us. Gerard and Mikey helped take some stuff home and Donna kindly wheeled me out the car.

“Hello Scarlet. How are you feeling?” asked Donald.

“Im fine thanks, just glad to be out of there.” I replied and smiled.

Gerard and Mikey helped me out of the wheel chair and into the car. When I was in they sat I beside me and we waited while Donna went and got me crutches instead of the wheelchair.

We soon drove of and arrived at the ways residence. Mikey helped me out and Gerard got my crutches. We walked on into the house and Mikey took my stuff up to the room while me and Gerard sat down to watch a movie.

“what do you want to watch?” Gerard asked me.

“umm…how about the exorcist?” I suggested.

“yea. I haven’t seen it in ages.” said Gerard while getting up and putting the video into the player. I sat back into the sofa, Gerard came over and wrapped his arms around me, then Mikey joined. He covered us all in a quilt and we all cuddled up under it and watched the movie. Mikey was scared as usual. But it was adorable the way he would hide his face in my arm if something frightening would happen.

“Does anyone want a drink?” asked Mikey while making an escape to the kitchen before the scariest part of the movie came on. Gerard giggled and said yea and then asked me if I wanted anything. I said yes too.

Mikey stayed in the kitchen until I finally told him that the scary part was over and that it was safe for him. He came and sat tight in beside me and passed Gerard and I our drinks. Gerard opened mine for me and then his own. We sat and sipped away while still watching the exorcist.

“so guys, can we go out somewhere to celebrate?” asked Mikey.

“umm yea, what’s the occasion?” I asked.

“you coming home. DUUUHH!” he laughed.

“good idea mikes.” chirped up Gerard.

“can we go to the sushi bar.” pleaded Mikey.

“umm yea ok.” I agreed.

Gerard looked kind of annoyed.

“gee do you wanna go somewhere else?” I asked him giving him a small hug.

“I just don’t really like sushi.” he said quietly.

Mikey sighed.

“I guess we could go to the fancy Chinese restaurant.

“yea that sounds good. What do you think Gee?”

“yeah. I like that A LOT more.” he laughed at Mikey’s disgust face.

We just lay on the small sofa on top of each other for the rest of the night, Mikey had feel asleep first as usual so me and Gerard talked, well whispered.

He looked deep into my eyes as if he was looking for something.

“Gerard?” I said snapping him out of his trance.

“what’s up?” I asked slightly worried.

“nothing. I just-you-you have beautiful eyes.” he whispered.

I put my lips against his. They were warm and soft. It was wonderful. I pulled away and lay my head on his chest. He stroked my hair I entwined my fingers around his and held his hand while snuggling into him.

“I love you scarlet.” he whispered kissing my forehead.

“I love you too gee.”
♠ ♠ ♠
hope you like
more real soon
loads of drama comin in next chapter
and a shout out to simon feel like i should dedicate it to him as he's stuck with it right until now.