Heaven Help Us

Drowning Lessons

“what the hell is keeping scar?” I asked Gerard.

“well you know what girls are like. They go to the bathroom for a piss and end up staying in for a beauty session.” laughed Gerard.

I suppose he was right. Thing is I just had a feeling, a bad feeling. I was probably just paranoid. Everything would be fine.

More time passed, our drinks were served, still no sign of her, then the food, and still no sign.

“gee, i’m going to check on scar.” I said getting up off the booth.

I walked over towards the bathrooms. I was about to knock on the door when I noticed scarlet’s bag on the floor. I then started to panic.

I knocked on the door of the ladies bathroom and when there was no reply I walked on in.

“Scar!” I shouted.

There was no reply. A tear rolled down my cheek. I ran back out the door and went to go into the men’s.

“FUCK!” I yelled as I hit my face on the door.

The men’s door was locked. Now I panicked. All these thoughts flew through my head. Nothing like that can happen again. Not after what she’s went through.

I ran back to Gerard. I was in hysterics.

“Mikey what the fuck is going on?” he asked with a scared and puzzled look on his face.

“Oh god.” is that scars bag?” he asked looking worried.

All I could do was nod.

“the men’s bathroom-it-its locked.” I cried out.

“oh shit.” Gerard shouted as he ran to the bathrooms.

He banged on the doors and yelling. There was no answer so I ran to the counter and got one of the waitresses to open the door using a key.

She opened the door and Gerard burst in. he searched every cubicle. As he looked into the last one he found Scarlet’s coat was on the floor. He grabbed it and burst into tears.

I ran over to him and hugged him tight. Then I noticed that the fire door was opened. She had been abducted. I knew this had to have something to do with her dad.

Me and Gerard held each other and walked out side through the fire exit.

There was no sign of anyone. I dropped to the ground.

“She’ll be fine. We’ll find her. I promise.” he whispered to me while holding me tight.

The waitress had rang the cops and soon the place was surrounded in flashing blue lights and sirens.

I was in shock. Gerard talked to the cops. He told me to sit down at the bench outside the diner. I couldn’t I had to go somewhere.

I walked and walked till I found where I needed to be.

I went to Hoxly Bridge.

Tears were streaming down my face.

This was all my fault. If I hadn’t wanted to go out, none of this would have happened.

What if this time scar gets killed. It’ll be my fault.

I walked to the bridge.

I got up and just stood there.

I lifted up my shirt sleeve and looked at my scars.

I felt them. I ran my nail over them.

They split open. Blood trickled from them.

I looked down into the dark deep water flowing under the bridge.

I shut my eyes.
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thanks to all the readers and describers
love you all
update soonx