Heaven Help Us

bright lights that, won't kill me now, or tell me

Gerard’s POV

Where am I? I thought to myself.

There were trees everywhere. It was pitch black, cold and raining like hell. I was running, dodging branches and trying to avoid tripping over anything lying on the ground. I kept running and running, but I didn’t know why. What I was running from, or where I was running to?

Then I saw something ahead of me. Was that what I was running to?

I decided to keep going. As I got closer I realized that it was a van. It was in total darkness, as if it had been abandoned.

Then It came to me. Was I looking for scarlet? Was she in that van? Is that the reason I had came here? I raced over to it and tugged on the side door handle. It was locked. I tried all the other doors. All locked. I went around to the back door and smashed one of the small windows with a stray branch I found lying at my feet.

After the glass shattered I reached my arm through the gap in search of a handle on the inside. I finally found something and grabbed hold of it.

Suddenly a strike of pain shot through my hand. I pulled my hand back quickly. I could feel something running down my hand. I looked down at it, but couldn’t see it well. I could only get a glimpse of it by using the moon as a slight light.

There was a large chunk of glass stuck into my palm. Red blood oozed from the wound, but then it seemed to turn black, it must have been my imagination.

I panicked, all I could do now was climb through the window, but I would have to get rid of the chunk of glass that was pinned in me. I closed my eyes tight and gently grabbed hold of the glass and pulled. The pain was unbelievable, I thought I was going to pass out. Tears streamed from my eyes and down my face. I gave one sudden tug and it came right out. I gasped as more blood poured out. But it definitely wasn’t red, it was black. It confused me, but I concentrated on getting inside the van.

I slowly reached up and grabbed gold of the inside of the inside of the van. I pulled myself up slightly and wailed in absolute agony. But I had to keep pulling, until I got in, I had to get in.

After a sore struggle I had half my body in through the window. I looked around the inside of the van, but I couldn’t see anything due to the pitch black.

I lifted my self up a bit more, but slipped and tumbled head first in through the window. I landed with a thud, but it wasn’t the floor I landed on, I landed on something else. I looked down at my hands and tried to adjust my sight to the darkness but I failed.

The I realized I had my cell in my jacket pocket. I reached into my pocket and took it out, fidgeting with it until I hit the flash button.

The van lit up

I looked down at my hands and screamed in horror.

It was scar.

He neck sliced.

Faced scratched.

Eyes wide open.

I screamed and no sound came out.

Suddenly I opened my eyes and shot up from my bed. Sweating like nothing normal.

It was all a dream.

But it felt so real.

I looked down at my hand, but there was nothing there, yet I could feel something.

I quickly got out of bed and got dressed.

I had to find her.
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hope you liked it.
love you all