Heaven Help Us

From The Van To The Floor

My eyes started to open. Slowly and painfully. I could feel the bruises sting as my eyes fully opened. It was dark and quiet, but the van was still moving. We must have been driving through a city, town or something, as I could see street lights as they shone through the two small windows’.

A tear fell down my cheek as I thought to myself. I was so close to so many people, but they didn’t even know I was here. I could be so close to Mikey and Gerard and not even no it. So much was moving around me, and I was stuck here, tied up, getting beat ever time the driver needed entertainment. Then I thought, I am probably going to be murdered sometime soon.

The van moved and moved for what seemed like forever. The lights had stopped shining around me and everything was pitch black once more. I started to drift asleep, fading away into the silence. My eyes slowly closed.

Then the van came to an abrupt stop. My eyes shot open. If I was to survive I had to get out of here. Right now. I couldn’t take any more. I looked down at the blue nylon rope tied tightly around my wrists. I had an idea.

I raised my wrists up to my mouth and started to gnaw at the rope. I knew it would take a long time, but I was positive to get out. I had to.

I kept chewing and biting away at it. It started to hurt my mouth. My gums and lips started to bleed because I was dehydrated.

The van had been stopped for what I had guess about 4 hours. I guess the driver had fell asleep as everything was silent. I kept on gnawing at the rope, every bite, my mouth getting increasing sorer.

I went to move my wrist slightly and noticed that the rope had loosened. I pulled my wrists apart with one hard tug and watched the rope snap. I started to cry, in pain, and in joy. My wrists were bleeding were old wounds had opened and where the rope had cut into my flesh causing fresher wounds. The several rings of raw flesh stung as I pulled the rope of them.

I reached down to my ankles and started to untie the tight ropes. It was hard. My wrists hurt like hell and I think a few of my fingers were broken, but after a long, painful struggle. I was free. I sat still, waiting. I had a plan. I sat for the next hour or so, crying. Crying in pain, but also in hope.

All of a sudden I heard the driver door open and footstep make their way around to the back of the van. I watched as the handles move and the door flew open. He stood there smirking at me. I watched him closely as he crawled in. but I got up and pushed him as I hard as I could and ran out the door.

“get back here now you bitch!” he screamed after me.

I didn’t look back. I ran and ran as fast as I could. I had never ran like that in my life. I hadn’t actually ran in years.

Everything was dark, but in the distance I could see a house or something like that. I ran and ran for what had seemed like forever. Tears running down my face. The cold air stinging my eyes. It was only hope that really kept me going. I got closer and closer to the house. I could see it clear. Light up and smoke rising from the chimney.

I soon had reached the door. I was wrecked. I couldn’t breathe. I felt like my lungs were being ripped out from my body. I felt like I was having a massive panic attack. I knocked on the door loudly. I saw the porch light switch on and a person appear at the door.

As the door opened I feel to the ground shaking uncontrollably. The person helped me up and brought me into the warm house.
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hope you like it.
1st update of today.
gonna be nice and show u how much i love you by doing another
love you all xxxx