Heaven Help Us

What's Life Like Bleeding On The Floor?

“Mikey! Wake up!” I shouted opening the curtains. “Mikey, come one, you have to get up.”

“Mmph.” He moaned. “It’s not fair, I don’t want to do them.” He grumbled.

“I know, but you have to. Gerard’s already up and dressed.” I said trying to get him moving. “How about I come and get you guys when you’ve finished your exams, and then we can all go hang out at the mall. We’ll have good fun? Hmm?” I asked him, and maybe slightly bribed.

“Fine.” He moaned, stretching as he got out from below the covers. “But it better be a hell lot of fun.” He laughed

“Of course.” I smiled.
He came over to the window were I was standing and gave me a hug before going of to get ready.

Mikey and Gerard had to go into school for some exams. I didn’t have to go cause mine weren’t till the next week, so they told me to stay home and rest. I wanted to walk them to school, but they refused. I decided I would go get them after they were finished.

“Scarlet, can I borrow you eyeliner please?” asked Gerard, when he came into the bedroom.

“Yeah, course you can.” I replied. “I have to get a new one so we can get you one too after you guys finish.” I smiled

“Yeah, we can go get ice cream too. I really feel like ice cream.” He giggled

“Yay!” I laughed. “You sure you guys don’t want me to walk you’ns to school?” I asked willingly.

“Yeah, its fine scar. As I said you just stay here and rest.” He smiled before giving me a hug.

Mikey was soon ready, so we headed down stairs to get breakfast. After we got fed, Mikey and Gerard got they’re stuff and after 609875 hugs each they headed of to school.

After a while of watching cartoons I decided I would clean up a bit around the house. I thought It was the least I could do for being allowed to stay. So I switched on fuse and danced around while hovering around downstairs. Time literally flew by and by the time I realised I was heading of in about half an hour, I thought I better go get ready properly dressed, as I had just been walking round in my pyjamas. I didn’t mind that I did and no one else did because the rest of the family did the same.

I went upstairs and picked out my maiden tee, black skinnies and my dr martens. It was quite sunny so I didn’t bother getting my jacket. I then did my makeup and fixed my hair. I didn’t have to put on as much make up as I had to when I was bruised.. I hadn’t got totally used to just putting on a small amount and I still usually covered my self in it with realizing. I then went downstairs and got something to eat before heading off.

I made my way to Belleview, listening and happily singing along to Morrissey. I wasn’t as scared or as shy as I normally was, because none of the preps and jocks were about. I kept on walking an after about 15 minutes I finally reached the school gates. I looked around for the guys but I couldn’t see them.

“Hey scarlet.” smiled Ray as he walked over to me. “guess you and I were the only ones who got lucky.” he laughed.

“Are the guys not out yet?”

“Nope, not yet. So when are your exams?” I asked.

“Next week.” he replied.

“Mine too. Yay!” I laughed sarcastically.

“Well at least we didn’t have them today.”

“Amen.” I laughed. “So you coming to hang out at the mall with us?”

“Yeah, sure. Any chance to hang around with you guys.” he winked laughing.

Then the bell rang and everybody started pouring from the large dull school buildings. I went over to the bin across the street to through out a banana skin I found in my pocket. Ray hadn’t realised I had gone an he had started to look around in confusing. When he finally saw me he waved like a mad man. I waved back laughing, but as I was about to cross the road, a car pulled in in front of me.

My dad suddenly jumped out and grabbed me and violently pushed me into the car. When I screamed ray realised what was going on and he tried to get me but it was to late. My dad drove of and ray tried to catch up but dad was drunk and he was driving ridiculously fast. I knew what was going to happen now.

“You fucking scum!” he screamed at me. “I’m going to fucking kill you.” he growled.

Tears started to stream down my face. I was shaking uncontrollable and then my mobile vibrated. Ray had texted me.

‘Don’t worry scar. I’m coming to get you.’

We arrived at the house, he grabbed me by the hair and trailed me out of the car.

“You’re going to get it now you little dirty bitch!” he yelled, pushing me in through the door and into the kitchen.

He started punching me in the stomach and face. He hit me and hit me until I was down on the hard cold kitchen floor. He kicked me violently in the stomach, winding me. He repeatedly punched me in the face until blood was pouring from my nose and mouth.

“Stop!” I cried. “Please stop!”

“No you whore! You’re going to pay!” he screamed.

He climbed on top of me and started hauling at my jeans. I kept trying to stop him, but everything time I tried shove him away he hit me harder.

“Stop moving you fucker!” he screamed right into my face.

He finally got my jeans of me. He shoved himself violently, deep inside of me. It felt like my whole inside had just feel apart. I could feel the blood trickle between my legs. I shut my eyes and tried to block away the pain. It used to work, but this time it was useless. I tried to shove him off myself once more, I used all my strength, but he was still to strong. He punched me right in the face, so hard that I felt and heard my nose crack, the pain shot right up through my whole face and the blood gushed from my nose.

“stop it you skank!” he yelled.

I cried my heart out, praying that he would just stop. He keep thrusting in and out of me for what seemed like hours. Then he stopped.

“You’re a dirty fucking slut!” he growled at me, his face
just millimetres from my face.

His breathe made me gag, but I ended up vomiting. I hurled and hurled until there was nothing left. I stared at the floor in horror at all the blood. Tears flooded down my face. There was blood in my vomit. He had punch me so hard that even my insides were bleeding.

When he finally got off of me he staggered over and leaned against the kitchen table. I slowly curled into a tiny ball. Every inch I moved more pained soared through my body. I wailed in more pain when he suddenly kicked me in the back. Then I noticed a flicker of silver. He had a knife. My life flashed before me. I screamed in terror.

“Shut the fuck up!” he yelled grabbing my arm.

He slowly moved his hand across my wrist, studying the scars. He grinned,

“Why don’t I help you with them.” he snarled suddenly gliding the knife across my wrist.

I wailed in pain as the blood gushed from the open wound. He threw me to the floor.

“All I ever wanted was to watch you die.” he laughed before dropping to the floor.

With all the strength I had left in me, I reached for my phone. I dialled Mikey’s number.

“Scar. Where are you? What’s wrong?” he sounded terrified.

“Help me Mikey.”
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hope you like this.
will post more reli soon
love you all<3