Status: for a contest

I Kept Pulling My Heart Back Together for You, but Now You're Finally Picking Up the Pieces

chapter one

I stared into space as the director worked with the flutes on their parts. I never really liked the flute, it was too high pitched and frilly for me. That and it'd make my gayness shine silver - and I liked rainbow.

I glanced out the window of the door, getting a glance of a few stragglers in the hall. Man, what I would do to get out of this class for a while. Times like these is when I really wish I carried a book around with me. It'd be really convenient.

I sighed, fingering my parts as I sailed off to La La Land. Unfortunately Danny popped into my head. What is it with him being in my thoughts so much recently? It's driving me crazy.

Five minutes later, class dismissed and I went home for the day, Sax case in my hand. I played the Tenor, but I could play any level of Sax I wanted to. I just like the Tenor more for some reason. Don't ask why.

Once in my apartment I took a relaxing bath and was about to put on comfy clothes and sit in the living room while I studied when a knock came from my door. I frowned at the unusual sound, re-wrapping the towel around my waist before going to answer it. My brows disappeared into my hairline when I saw who was there. And damn, he was sexy.

"Hey, Annie," Danny greeted with a white-toothed smile. "A few friends and I are going out to a club tonight and I wondered if you would like to come."

I about fainted. "I - I can't. I have to study." I hate myself.

"Aw, come on. Please? Just one night, that's all I'm asking. Just one night." His off-blue eyes pleaded with me and I caved.

"Fine. But only if you buy me a drink."


I rolled my eyes, "I hope you have a designated driver, 'cause it sure as hell ain't gonna be me," I continued to converse as I led him into my apartment.

He laughed, staying in the living room as I went back into my room to get dressed.

"That's what Sarah's for," he called.

"Sarah? As in Sarah McClella? From High school?"

"Yeah. She's Cassey's new girlfriend. He really likes her. They're real cute together."

"That's nice."

I quickly did my hair, sort of in a I-just-had-sex do and applied a thin line of eyeliner before walking out into the living room. For a moment there I thought I saw Danny's jaw on the floor, but I think I was imagining things.

"You ready to go?"

"Y-Yeah, I wanna come," he murmured in a daze.

I blinked. "What?"

He started, shaking his head. "Nothing. Let's go."

I blinked again. What the hell?


The moment we stepped inside the club, I knew this was a mistake. Men and women were everywhere, wearing clothes too revealing or none at all.

"What kind of club is this?" I had to yell over the earsplitting music. Damn, does it really have to be that loud?

Danny shrugged, his eyes searching the crowd. "I didn't suggest it. Alex did."

Of course Alex would. He was the man whore of the group, if you can call this circle of friends a group. Other than the occasional get together we usually split off into couples and do stuff on our own.

Danny grabbed my hand and began to pull me through the crowd at a dead run. Apparently, he found who he was looking for.

We came to a stop at a round table in a corner where Cassey, Sarah, Alex, George, a few random girls, and Aby all sat drinking some sort of alcohol.

"Hey, guys!" They all greeted in unison.

"Hi," we spoke at the same time as well. I met his gaze and blushed, pulling my hand out of his.

"You owe me a drink," I said as I took a seat next to Aby.

Danny grinned, "Right. I'll be back." He scampered off towards the bar and I smirked at his hot ass. What I wouldn't do to be able to grab that...

Aby nudge me, she knew everything about me. She's like my freaking shrink I talk with her so much. Even though I'm sure at times I annoy her, it's refreshing to have someone to talk to.

"How you holdin' up?" She asked just loud enough so only I could hear her question.

I shrugged. "I had to answer my door in a towel."

She giggled. "That had to be interesting."

"Well, the hidden wood definitely saw it that way."

Aby laughed, attaching herself to my side and linking our arms. At that moment Danny arrived with a pan full of drinks and a pitcher in the center for refills. He dished them out, handing me mine last.

"Oh, babe, you're a savior," I shouted over the music, draining the liquid in only a few gulps. As we talked as one big group, the alcohol kept coming.

By the time the first hour passed I was as drunk as a - well, let's just say I was completely wasted.

"Hey, Annie, walk outside with me?" Danny asked, already on his feet and taking a hold of my arm. I nodded, I needed some air, stumbling out the door with him.

I swayed on my feet for only a moment until he suddenly shoved me against the wall and pressed his lips to mine. I made a noise of surprise, fighting against the want to kiss him back. He was drunk and needy - I was the closest option to a quick fuck. None of this mattered - not to him.

"Danny, no," I pushed him away gently.

"Annie, don't. I need you, baby. I need you so badly." He dipped his head down to connect our lips again, but I slapped him right across the face.

"Damn it, Danny, I can't."

Holding his hand to his cheek, he glared up at me. But he didn't say a word, so I knew he was somewhat reasonable in his state.

"I can't take it anymore. Ever since high school, my tolerance for you has been dwindling. It's like I"m a tool to you, Daniel and it's killing me. For as long as I can remember I've been in love with you, but you kept pushing me away. And this - this is the final straw. I'm done, Danny. I'm done with you."

"Ann -"

"No. Just - just don't talk to me. Ever."

His mouth opened, but I went back inside, hoping I didn't make the biggest mistake of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yayy! Long-ish. This is for a contest, will only be three chapters. :D I've already got the second one written, but not sure if I want to type it... maybe tomorrow. I'll see.


DISCLAIMER TO CONTEST OWNERS: I don't have a word count for this , because 1) I know it's somewhere over 800 words and I really dont' want to count that much 2) I'm too lazy to count words adn 3) well, yeah. Those are my reasons. Sorry :\