Status: for a contest

I Kept Pulling My Heart Back Together for You, but Now You're Finally Picking Up the Pieces

Chapter Two

Aby drove me home, Sarah took the others. After dressing into some comfy clothes, pouring myself another glass of Vodka and settling into the couch with Aby, who had the the Vodka bottle in her lap, I spilled the nights events. Aby comforted me, poured me more alcohol and even let me cry into her shoulder. Eventually she went home and I got comfy on the couch.

Obnoxious pounding on my door snapped me out of my dreams. Blinking past the blurriness in my vision and flinching at my headache, I got up to answer the door. And about closed it again.

"Wait - Annie!"

I slammed the door in his face and he began knocking again. "Go away!" I shouted.

"Please, Annie. We need to talk."

"Leave me alone, Danny. I'll call the cops."

"Come on, Anthony." I flinched at my 'given' name. My real name is Annie, it's on my birth certificate. But he always called me Anthony to make me feel less like a girl. (Well, in public he did). "Please."

I sighedI hate myself. Opening the door, I crossed my arms and cocked a brow. "What?"

"I'm sorry."

"Yeah, and?"

"Can I please come in?"


"Annie -"


"Look, I'm sorry about everything, okay? High school, tonight. I was stupid, ignorant and blind. I couldn't see what was right in front of me. And I'm so sorry for that. I - I would like another chance, if that's okay with you."

I leaned against the door frame. "How do I know you're not drunk talking?"

"Because, Annie... I'm in love with you, alright? I always have been, I was just too scared to accept it. Let me love you now, please."

"Look, Danny. You're drunk. I'm drunk -"

"That's not what this is, Annie! Goddamn it, why can't you see that?"

"Because I don't trust you, Danny! You've hurt me too much. I can't afford to keep picking up my heart for you."

"Annie, please."

"I can't Danny. Not yet. Not right after -"

He grabbed a hold of the back of my head and kissed me hard. I made a noise of surprise, pushing against his chest. The taste of alcohol burned my tongue, but I found myself reacting to him.

"Danny, please don't -"

My back met the wall by my door, our lips still connected. Against my common sense, I kissed him back. Our tongues tangled, hands groped, and eventually we stumbled into my apartment.

I slipped his leather jacket off, yanking open his button down shirt. Marveling over his abs and perfect chest, I pressed my lips to one of his nipples, swirling my tongue around it. Danny moved his hands to my ass, lifting me up so my legs would wrap around his waist. I looked up at him through my hair, slowly rubbing against him. The friction between our groins without clothes was enough, adding jeans to the equation about put me over the edge. Danny set me on the back of the couch, standing between my legs as he unbuttoned my shirt, stopping a lot to kiss me. The way he kissed me - I didn't want him to stop. The way he touched me made me eager for what was to come.

We flipped over the couch, Danny being a goofball by jumping onto me and bouncing. I giggled, pulling him down by the shirt that was still on his shoulders. Throwing his belt across the room, I pushed his jeans to his knees, using my feet to get them the rest of the way. Danny's hand rubbed against the crotch of my jeans, sending intoxicating sensations through my body.

I knew I shouldn't be doing this. Not with Danny, not now. But I couldn't deny my heart, it always wins in the end. Maybe, just maybe having sex with Danny will sort out everything from the past. Maybe tonight can be our redemption.

I gripped Danny's shoulders as he entered me dry - I didn't have any lube or condoms. Never considered the possibility of getting laid a... well, a possibility.

"Danny...," I moaned, my hands tightening so hard it probably hurt him like hell. But he didn't flinch, he pulled out and pushed back in. I grunted, gritting my teeth.

"Sorry," He murmured lovingly, brushing my sweaty hair out of my eyes.

"Actually, it feels good now," I smiled, almost embarrassed. "Maybe a little faster?"

He smiled and braced himself on his elbows, beginning to move in and out. Ten minutes later, he was on his knees and I was on his lap; his thrusts so hard, I was screaming my pleasure. (Hopefully, I wasn't waking up any of the neighbors). And then we were coming, ending the amazing-ness with a heated, passionate, tongue tangling kiss before we collapsed back onto the couch in each others arms.

Danny pulled me onto his chest - he was on his back - and brushed my hair from my eyes. His off blue irises gleamed in the lamp light from the corner table next to the couch.

"I love you, Annie," he whispered, his knuckles brushing my cheeks.

I smiled. "I Love you, too."I hope I don't regret this.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh? Eh?

Sexy....-ish. :D