Everyone Loves an Underdog!

Chapter three; As We Cover Our Heads & Drink Heav

In PE, Red and Tahnee were running laps around the gravel field. They had to run 6 laps in 12 minutes,
& were almost done.
Soon, they slowed down at the spot marking the end of their twelfth lap.
“Good job, girls.” The coach said, & continued watching the other students.
Red and Tahnee sat cross-legged with the other kids that had finished, & watched the boys play soccer on the grass field above.
Red laughed as the ball went out, & Brandon ran over and kicked it back in.
“What?” Tahnee asked, poking Red’s side.
“Oh, nothing, really. Taylor likes that kid.”
“Who, Brandon or whatever?” Tahnee asked, leaned back on her elbows.
“Yeah, he sits in front of her in French.”
Tahnee laughed. “Awe. You like that Frank kid, right?”
“I do not like Frank Iero!” Red exclaimed, blushing.
Tahnee laughed. “Look, there he is!” She said, pointing to a tree beyond Red’s right shoulder.
What!? Where?!” Red asked, turning around so fast she fell flat onto her stomach.
Tahnee laughed, & sat up. She looked in dismay at the grass marks imprinted on her elbow, & rubbed them.
“That wasn’t very nice, Tahnee.” Red said, frowning slightly at her.
“Awe, I’m sorry.” Tahnee said, leaning over to hug her friend.
“Okay, everyone! We’re going to playing soccer now, so split into your teams!”
In science, Chrissy was busy writing down Chemistry formulas.
She wished she knew people in this class. No one here was someone she would count as a friend.
She sighed, and looked at the clock. There was only 60 seconds until the bell rang. She counted down in her head.
‘5… 4… 3… 2… 1!’ & the bell rang.
She quickly gathered up her stuff, & went to dump it in her locker. She had a spare, & Red did as well.
She found Red waiting by her locker, people-watching.
They decided to sit in the cafeteria, & then wait around for Taylor and Tahnee.
Red got an orange & Chrissy got a chocolate milk, & they sat at a table in the corner, talking about nothing & everything all at once.
After around 20 minutes, Andy came into the cafeteria with a couple of friends. Seeing Chrissy, he immediately broke off from them & came to sit with her.
Red sighed as Chrissy almost completely ignored her for Andy.
Time seemed to drag, but finally the bell rang. She leapt up, & told Chrissy she was going to find Tahnee & Taylor, and ran off.
As she was walking down the hall to the stairs, someone took hold of her arm.
She turned around to see Frank smiling nervously at her.
Red nearly fainted. Instead, she smiled back & said, “Yes, Frank?”
He bit his lip, then asked; “I wondering if you were doing anything tomorrow…”
Red just blinked, & quickly shook her head.
“Well, do you want to get some coffee after school?” He smiled a bit.
“I… I would love to!” She said, breaking into a grin.
“Great! I’ll get you by your locker.” & with another quick smile & released pressure on her arm, he was gone.
She stood there for a second, stunned, then ran off to find Taylor & Tahnee.
“He what?” Tahnee asked, staring at Red.
“I asked me to coffee tomorrow!” Red cried again, grinning.
“That’s awesome!” Taylor cried, hugging her.
“I know…” Red said, and they got their stuff, & began their walk to starbucks.