Everyone Loves an Underdog!

Chapter Seven; First Dates & True Commitments.

“Where are you going?”
“Out.” Taylor replied coolly to her mothers question.
“Out where?”
“With who?”
“Which friend?”
“Bye, mom.” Taylor said, shutting the door behind her. She walked to Brandon, who was waiting at the end of the driveway.
“Hey.” He said quietly. “You look pretty.”
“So do you.” She said, smiling.
He smiled back, & took her hand in his. “Lets go. I’m glad you live only a few blocks out of the city, cause you know I can’t drive yet.”
She laughed, & let him pull her along.
“I had fun.” Brandon said four hours later, on her doorstep.
“So did I.” Taylor replied.
“So, you want to…?” She nodded, & he smiled. “What about Thursday?”
“Okay… Night.”
“Night.” He kissed her on the cheek, & left her staring after him.
The next day, Red & Frank were walking around downtown, looking through shops.
“Oh, can we go in here?” Red asked, stopping outside a jewellery store.
“Yeah, sure.” Frank said, allowing her to drag him inside.
While Red looked around at various items, Frank was talking to the shopkeep. (I like that word! =] )
“You ready to go, Frank?” Red asked after a few minutes.
“Yeah, lets header.” He said, slipping the box into his pocket.
Outside, Red skipped ahead of him, looking in window displays.
“Hey, Rose!” He called, using his special name for her.
“Whatwhat?” She said, turning to face him.
He reached into his pocket, & he handed her the box.
Red looked at him, then the box, then back to him.
“Well, open it?”
She took a deep breath, and popped the box open. Inside, there was a silver heart pendant with rubies studding one side.
“Red, will you be my girlfriend?”
She stared at him. ‘Fuck yes!’
He smiled, & she turned around. He put it on her, & she leapt into his arms.
Then, hand in hand, they kept skipping down the street.