How could he do this to me?

The Flight

*after band practice*

"You know, i love making our fans happy, but, how about know...well we've been working so much lately and i just think we all need a holiday, what about you guys?" said Gerard.

"yeah i guess...i mean i have been kinda stressed lately..." replied Frank,

"hm....yeah we could do with a holiday, where we guna go tho? our management will want to know whats happening too..." said Mikey.

"well, we could go to to New Zealand? it sounds like a cute country, real small....or Australia, Fiji i dunno....what do you guys think?" replied Gerard.

"NZ sounds good, i've heard that people really enjoyed there holidays there" piped up Ray,

"ok cool! well who wants to talk to our management?" Frank asked,
"i will, seeing as i came up with the idea, its only fair, hey and i'll ask if they can organise a flght too, cool?"Gerard yelled as he went to go find their manager

***A/N: sorry guys don't know their managers name lol, comments= <3***

*next day*

"awesome man!! i got the tickets!! we leave sunday" laughed gerard,

"cool, got any ideas WHERE we are going in NZ?" asked Bob

"well....we arrive at the wellington airport, stay at the Bolton Hotel, and yeah, whatever..." Gerard read off the list that he had just got given.

"what time do we leave?" asked Ray,

"5am, so we miss most of the crowds" replied Gerard while the rest of the band winced.

"aw Gerard!!! why so early? i mean....i wouldn't mind dealing with crazed fans, i mean thats better than having to get up at 3.30AM!!!!" cried Frank.

*at the airport*

"well, we're all here, we're all awake- *groan* -AND we're going on HOLIDAY!!!" yelled Gerard.

"be quiet Gerard...we ARE awake but we ARE NOT happy about it" grumbled Frank.

"Franky just coz you don't like waking up early, duzn't mean you have 2 grump around 4 the whole day so cheer up ok? besides we gota go, final call for our flight guys" Mikey said,

*7 hours later*

"OMFG that was a long flight!!!" gerard said as they walked out of the airport and to their limo, god i hope the hotels nice, i just want to go straight to BED thought Gerard,.

"mmm yeah. coffee sounds good right about now" said Bob