Meet Me By The Weeping Willow Tree

Meet Me By The Weeping Willow Tree *Chapter 2* Tre

"Trevor!?" I screamed from the unexpected visitor. "Wha...what are you doing here?" I asked him and he looked amused. "I came to see how my best friends little sister is doing, that's all." Trevor told me, his voice soft and gental.
"Um....okay thanks, I'm fine but I'm just wondering, well I know this is going to sound crazy but my brother sent me an E-mail the day he died saying you are supposed to be dead." I looked away shyly He must think I'm crazy.
He must have seen the expression I was trying to hide. "Why do you look so embarresed?" He asked with that amused twinge in his eye again. I stood up and started to walk over to him, on my way there though I tripped on the bed and almost fell but he caught me just in time. whew! thank goodness he caught me that would have hurt! I thought to myself then answered his question. "I just accused someone of supposing to be dead, that's kinda embaressing if you ask me."
He started to lean in and attemted to kiss me. "Trevor no!" I said pushing him back, and for the first time tonight I got a food look at his face. It was pail, and when I seen his eyes I jumped back away from him. His eyes were red instead of the usual green. "What the heck is wrong with your eyes! there red thyat's not normal!" I asked him and the amused look came again but this time a smile came with it. "Oh my god! You have fangs." I shouted a little louder than needed. In a flash he was out of my sight but then I felt a strong grip around my mouth and waist. I tried to scream but his arm muffled the sound.
"Shhh, your going to give me away." He hissed. What the heck is he talking about? Now behave or I'll have to bite that pretty little neck of yours, and we don't want that now do we?" I shook my head vigerously in response. "No? didn't think so. If you don't want to get bit then your gonna have to do exactly what I say when I say it, do you understand?" I nodded, tears spilling from my eyes once again.
"Good girl, now you are going to come with me willingly right?" He asked. Aware of his strong grip still I nodded. More tears spilling down. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and I tried to kick but got dizzy as he ran so fast everything blurred past us.
We arrived at the intended destination but there was nothing there just a open house. He took me to a room. "This is your room for now." He growled and we heard a crash downstairs. "Stay here I'll be back in a second."