Words Unspoken

Letter 38

Dear World,

Before I start I would just like to say that I fucked up. I was screwed over and I lost myself. I completely cracked. I failed. I know I did. But I'm done here. I just spent 3 fucked up days in a mental hospital. Maybe I should've been in there longer, maybe not. They said I was a hazard to myself and others and I wouldn't be safe. So they locked me up in a padded room and told me to think. And I thought. I thought for three days. I got out and god dammit I'm happier than ever.

What you said was probably true. Well it is. Well somewhat. But don't start assuming things. You don't know the half of it. Right now, you could pick up a phone and I will be here for you. I would do anything for you. I don't think I'm better, I hold myself at a high standard. I am the people that I hate. I am fucked up and I will fuck up, I have fucked. I let Garrett be my happiness and I shouldn't have. But I want to know why you're going so low as to state everything when I'm your supposed "best friend". If you're upset, call me. Or tell me to my face. I love you, but I won't find out how you really feel through the internet.

I love you to death and I miss you. You're not crazy and you've done nothing wrong. I'm so sorry for everything I've done and said. I'm sorry I'm a fuck up and I'm sorry I'm a horrible friend but I will always be here and I will always be your twin sister.

You made those 3 days bearable. I never developed feelings for you, I never liked you but you made me smile and laugh. You showed me what living is like. Thank you for that. Please stay sober, you deserve the best. By the way, the painting you did for me is hanging up in my room. It's pretty straight ;)

I'm sorry I scared you, I'm sorry I'm not normal and I can't be trusted with a marker. I'm so sorry.

JESUS WAS A JEW. Sorry, just had to get that out of my system.

I'm not perfect. I don't plan to be. I don't claim to be. I'm just as fucked up as the rest but I won't live like it. I won't live like I will. I pulled myself out of that hospital, I'm pulling myself out and away. I'm not broken anymore, so watch out because there's no holding back now. I love you all and I miss who I am. But I finally remember. I finally remember.

Stay strong.