Diary of a Madman

Entry One: A New Start

Dear Diary,

I'm finally starting my first day of school tomorrow! Oh what adventures will it bring! I hope that someone can replace the hole that Jenna put in my heart; But it's much to early for that. It's really nerve-racking thinking about this, but I hope they accept me. The last school I went to they always made fun of me for being some fat kid that listens to "emo" music and has no friends.

It'll be different this time, I know it. A new town means new opportunities; Oh! I forgot to tell you about my house! It's a really nice 3 floor house. My room is on the 2nd floor; We also have a basement, but it's really dark and scary down there. It's like a murderer's haven or something. I mean which sick fuck would make something that scary in a house? This is real life! Not a horror movie! Ah well enough ranting.

I haven't even begun telling you about my old town. It was horrible! Except for Jenna of course, she was beautiful, the envy of every boy, and she was all MINE! Haha, I was the envy of the whole damn school. That is until I found her one day with another boy. That fucking prick James was slobbering all over her face, and she was ENJOYING it! I couldn't believe she would cheat on me!

It made me so mad...I ..I don't remember what happened after that though, all I remember is that I had to move out of California because of it. It's like a blank red spot on my mind. I remember police sirens and my mom screaming at me like she was some sort of psychopath, but otherwise its all blank.

Weird isn't it? I can't remember something so (apparently) horrible. I guess thats the way the world works..right? Oh well I guess it's getting late, and I love talking to you, but I need my sleep; I have a huge day tomorrow! My first day of school, thank you diary, you're my first friend...right?

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Well my first chapter of a really strange story that I got the idea to write. Please tell me what you think, and I promise it will get better as I write more and more about it