Diary of a Madman

Entry Eleven: Mistakes

Dear Diary,

It's been a while. How have you been? I'm so sorry that I snapped at you; it was because I let my emotions win me over again. Speaking of my emotions, I am so close at jamming my arm into my heart or soul, (wherever the fuck my emotions are) ripping it out, and sending it to an early fucking death. It deserves just that for the kind of hell it put me through today.

I went through with what I said I would do; I asked Jess on a date. She gave me the kind of look as if I was insane, at least I was smart enough to quickly change the invitation. So now, instead of a date, Jess and I are going to a concert as a birthday present. I wish I could stop being so weak and defenseless around girls. Just look Diary! Look at this mess I got myself into! At least it'll help us bond a bit better...

Now, about the concert, this band is called The Blackened Hearts. It's some weird band that uses auto-tune and crappy second-hand synthesizers to make an "underground" feel to their music. I was about to have a heart attack when I saw the prices of these fucking tickets. WHO THE HELL SPENDS 400 DOLLARS FOR 2 TICKETS? I mean, I have the money and I have no problem spending it on Jess, but it's the fact that I'm spending this kind of money on something that I am not very particularly fond of....

Maybe I can get inside her mind a bit more than I already have. I still have no idea about a ton of things that Jess enjoys. I think that I should be as optimistic as possible about the situation and just try and enjoy the time I get to spend with Jess. Every moment may be my last. A horrific accident might happen that kills either Jess or I. I need to enjoy this time with her.

Now it seems I'm boring you again. Maybe it's time I put you with the other unfinished diaries for a little bit. You can see the error of your ways. Maybe then, I can bring you out again and finish your story. Just like my last diary. It's time for you to go to sleep now Diary. Goodbye.

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:( She said no! Poor Alex D:

My inspiration is still the girl I like and etc :/

Lakers tonight! Lets go up 3-1! :D