Diary of a Madman

Chapter Thirteen: Revolutions Per Minute

Dear Diary,

I have some good news for you! I finally summed up the courage to write in you again. So much has happened since I wrote in you. Do you remember that "wonderful" project Jess and I had to work on together? Well, we got an A on it! My grades ended up being a little higher than the shit I thought they would end up being.

On a more melancholy note, summer is upon us! I just can't tell myself how much I wish school would start again. Everyday of this "summer break" has been as dull and boring...I hate to admit it but I really miss Jess, Aria, and all my other friends. The problem is, Aria is on vacation in some far off place and Jess is busy with her dance camp. Guess where that leaves me? Exactly, stuck at home playing Pokemon like a friendless twit.

At least I can do something productive, but then I remembered, what does a fifteen year old kid have to do in the middle of the summer when his friends aren't around? Practice Italian? The very notion of having to resort to some type of school work for a source of "fun" is pathetic at most. Maybe I should go and watch a movie at the theater. I'm alone, but who cares? I might run into someone from school at the movies.

G-d...have I become this deprived? Resorting to "mall-walking", hoping to find a lifeline to save me from my boredom? Fuck man, this just isn't right. Maybe I can call Jess...or surprise her at her house...no...she wouldn't like that...at all. I've grown so accustomed to having friends around...that now they're gone..I don't know what to do.

Would you care to help me diary? I'm running out of ideas here...and it's beginning to worry me. I think i'll go and play with my computer...or watch TV...I just don't know anymore. Boredom is like a cancer...once it spreads, you have no hope of overcoming it alone.

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Meep...I haven't written or updated this in a while >.< I'm sorry!