Diary of a Madman

Driving Nails

Dear Diary,

Thank you for being so patient with me. Truly, I've been very busy with life. All this time has passed and to tell you the truth, I've become something else entirely. Something inside of me decided that it was time to die. If you don't realize what I'm trying to say, then let me put it into words that even someone as stupid as you can realize.

I'm done with Jessica.

I mean it this time; Putting up with her is like driving nails into my heart. I love her as much a someone can love a friend, but all the things that Aria did to her....it fucked her up really badly.

Oh, did I mention? Aria is dead. He died by his own hands. I was one who found him; He had blown his mind, but the strangest thing was what the note that he had written before he killed himself. I hate having to tell you, but it needs to be said.

"To whom it may concern,
By the time this letter has been read, it should be covered by my own putrid blood. My days of grace have finally come to an unexpected end. Mighty deliverance, cover my eyes with your hands, steal away my unholy soul, send me to the great fire down below. Before I end my final words, I want to tell the two most important people in my life: Aria and Jessica, that I'm sorry for hurting them so much. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want it to end this way, but it has to be done. My blood shall be spilled, your blood shall never fall again.

Until death does me part,

The poor guy didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. He was truly a one of a kind individual and I'll miss him forever. Great, now I feel like crying, fuck you diary. It's ok, you'll rest for much longer than Aria will. At least you he was worth something, you on the other hand, you're worthless. You will always be worth nothing. With that, I'll say goodbye for now.

Fuck You,
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, I found a reason to continue the story....

R.I.P. Me (: