Diary of a Madman

I Am Hated

Dear diary,

School has been a drag lately. Everyone has been so depressed about Aria dying; He really was a special guy, wasn't he? Me? I honestly don't care anymore. Jessica just silently mopes around everyday, and she thinks that I'm the sad one? Honestly, what the hell is wrong with all these people? Death happens all the time, but apparently when someone they care about dies, they have to make such a big deal about it. He died, he died. C'est la vie.

Anyways, this new girl just transferred to our school, her name is Rebma..... think. She's very strange, but I think it's kind of cute. I showed her around school today, too bad she's not in my grade. She doesn't know anyone though, so I invited her to eat with Jessica and I at lunch. It's kind of weird having an 8th grader hanging around us sometimes, but whatever. Anyways, I guess you're wondering what Rebma looks like, don't you?

She has long blonde hair, green eyes, and pale white skin. It's was first day at school, but she seems to be fitting in perfectly. She's very smart. She makes me look like an idiot...but she doesn't really like to show it off. It's sorta funny, Aria dies, and already I have a friend to replace him. It shows how expendable some people can be. Life is just a bumpy road full of up's and down's. Aria dying was a down, but meeting this girl, Rebma, it's actually a real up.

Every believe in love at first sight? If you're wondering, I do like her. Yet, it feels different this time. Not like how I was with Jessica. Jessica is in the same past as Jenna. Except Jenna is a horrible whore. Rebma seems different, but that could just be my imagination playing tricks on me again.

I need time to think.

♠ ♠ ♠
To bid you farewell, I must, for this relationship, it involves no trust.